
record BaseData "Record for permanent magnetic material data"
    extends Modelica.Icons.Record;

    parameter SI.MagneticFieldStrength H_cBRef = 1 "Coercivity at reference temperature";
    parameter SI.MagneticFluxDensity B_rRef = 1 "Remanence at reference temperature";
    parameter SI.Temperature T_ref = 293.15 "Reference temperature";
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.LinearTemperatureCoefficient alpha_Br = 0 "Temperature coefficient of remanence at reference temperature";
    parameter SI.Temperature T_op = 293.15 "Operating temperature";
    final parameter SI.MagneticFluxDensity B_r = B_rRef * (1 + alpha_Br * (T_op - T_ref)) "Remanence at operating temperature";
    final parameter SI.MagneticFieldStrength H_cB = H_cBRef * (1 + alpha_Br * (T_op - T_ref)) "Coercivity at operating temperature";
    final parameter SI.RelativePermeability mu_r = B_r / (mu_0 * H_cB) "Relative permeability";

    annotation (Documentation(info = "<html>\n<p>\nPlease refer to the description of  the enclosing package <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Magnetic.FluxTubes.Material.HardMagnetic\">HardMagnetic</a> for a description of all permanent magnetic material characteristics of this package.\n</p>\n</html>"));
end BaseData;