
class ReferenceSystem "Reference system"
    extends Modelica.Icons.Information;

    annotation (Documentation(info = "<html>\n<p>\nThe reference angle <code>gamma</code>:\n</p>\n<ul>\n  <li>defines the angular frequency <code>omega</code> of the voltages and currents\n      of a circuit by means of <code>omega = der(gamma)</code>.</li>\n  <li>is not a global quantity since it propagated through the connector.\n      Therefore, independent circuits of different frequencies can be modeled in one model.</li>\n  <li>is present only once in a multiphase connector;\n      a multiphase component has only one reference angle common to all phases.</li>\n  <li>can be either constant or variable, but it has to be consistent in one contiguous circuit.</li>\n  <li>is defined by the sources.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>\nDesigning new components, the guidelines of the Modelica Specification dealing with\nOverconstrained Equation Operators for Connection Graphs have to be taken into account.\n</p>\n\n<h4>See also</h4>\n<a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStationary.UsersGuide.Overview.Introduction\">\n          Introduction</a>,\n<a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStationary.UsersGuide.Overview.ACCircuit\">\n          AC circuit</a>,\n<a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStationary.UsersGuide.Overview.Power\">\n          Power</a>\n\n</html>"));
end ReferenceSystem;