
model Diode2 "Improved diode model"
    extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.OnePort;
    extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort(T = 293.15);

    parameter SI.Voltage Vf = 0.7 "Forward voltage";
    parameter SI.Current Ids = 1e-13 "Reverse saturation current";
    parameter SI.Resistance Rs = 16 "Ohmic resistance";
    parameter SI.Voltage Vt = Modelica.Constants.R * T / Modelica.Constants.F "Thermal voltage (kT/q), 0.026 at normal conditions (around 20 degC)"
        annotation (Dialog(enable = not useHeatPort));
    parameter Real N = 1 "Emission coefficient";
    parameter SI.Voltage Bv = 100 "Reverse breakdown voltage";
    parameter SI.Conductance Gp = 1e-6 "Parallel conductance for numerical stability";
    SI.Voltage vd "Voltage across pure diode part";
    SI.Current id "Diode current";
    SI.Voltage VdMax = Vf + N * Vt_applied "Linear continuation threshold";
    SI.Current iVdMax = Ids * (exp(VdMax / (N * Vt_applied)) - 1) "Current at threshold";
    SI.Conductance diVdMax = Ids * exp(VdMax / (N * Vt_applied)) / (N * Vt_applied) "Conductance at threshold";
    SI.Voltage Vt_applied;
    assert(0 < Bv, "Bv must be greater than zero");
    assert(0 < Vf, "Vf must be greater than zero");
    assert(0 < Vt, "Vt must be greater than zero");
    i = id + v * Gp;
    v = vd + id * Rs;
    LossPower = i * v;
    id = smooth(1, if vd < -0.5 * Bv then -Ids * (exp(-(vd + Bv) / (N * Vt_applied)) + 1 - 2 * exp(-Bv / (2 * N * Vt_applied))) else if vd < VdMax then Ids * (exp(vd / (N * Vt_applied)) - 1) else iVdMax + (vd - VdMax) * diVdMax);
    Vt_applied = if useHeatPort then Modelica.Constants.R * T_heatPort / Modelica.Constants.F else Vt;

    annotation (
        defaultComponentName = "diode",
            info = "<html>\n<p>This diode model is an improved version of the <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Semiconductors.Diode\">simple diode</a> model. It includes a series resistance, parallel conductance, and also models reverse breakdown. The model is divided into three parts:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>lower half of reversed bias region including breakdown: -Ids&middot;(exp(-(vd+Bv)/(N&middot;Vt)) + 1 - 2&middot;exp(-Bv/(2&middot;N&middot;Vt)))</li>\n<li>upper half of reverse biased region and forward biased region before conduction: Ids&middot;(exp(vd/(N&middot;Vt)) - 1)</li>\n<li>forward biased region after conduction: iVdMax + (vd - VdMax)&middot;diVdMax</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Temperature dependent behaviour is modelled when useHeatPort=true. In that case, the Vt parameter is ignored, and Vt is computed as k&middot;T/q, where</p>\n<ul>\n<li>k is Boltzmann&#39;s constant</li>\n<li>T is the heat port temperature.</li>\n<li>q is the electron charge.</li>\n</ul>\n</html>",
            revisions = "<html>\n<ul>\n<li><em>November 2015 </em>\nby Stefan Vorkoetter<br>implemented dynamic temperature dependency</br></li>\n<li><em>November 2015</em>\nby Kristin Majetta<br> defined parameter Vt based on fixed temperature</br></li>\n<li><em>June 2014</em>\nby Stefan Vorkoetter, Kristin Majetta, and Christoph Clauss<br>implemented</br></li>\n<li><em>October 2011</em>\nStefan Vorkoetter - new model proposed.</li>\n</ul>\n</html>"),
                preserveAspectRatio = true,
                extent = {
                    {-100, -100}, 
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            graphics = {
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                    pattern = LinePattern.Dot)}));
end Diode2;