block TimeTable "Generate a (possibly discontinuous) signal by linear interpolation in a table"
parameter Real table[:,2] = fill(0, 0, 2) "Table matrix (time = first column; e.g., table=[0, 0; 1, 1; 2, 4])"
annotation (Dialog(groupImage = "modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Blocks/Sources/TimeTable.png"));
parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time timeScale(min = Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1 "Time scale of first table column"
annotation (Evaluate = true);
extends Interfaces.SignalSource;
parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time shiftTime = startTime "Shift time of first table column";
Real a "Interpolation coefficient a of actual interval (y=a*x+b)";
Real b "Interpolation coefficient b of actual interval (y=a*x+b)";
Integer last(start = 1) "Last used lower grid index";
discrete SIunits.Time nextEvent(start = 0, fixed = true) "Next event instant";
discrete Real nextEventScaled(start = 0, fixed = true) "Next scaled event instant";
Real timeScaled "Scaled time";
function getInterpolationCoefficients "Determine interpolation coefficients and next time event"
extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
input Real table[:,2] "Table for interpolation";
input Real offset "y-offset";
input Real startTimeScaled "Scaled time-offset";
input Real timeScaled "Actual scaled time instant";
input Integer last "Last used lower grid index";
input Real TimeEps "Relative epsilon to check for identical time instants";
input Real shiftTimeScaled "Time shift";
output Real a "Interpolation coefficient a (y=a*x + b)";
output Real b "Interpolation coefficient b (y=a*x + b)";
output Real nextEventScaled "Next scaled event instant";
output Integer next "New lower grid index";
Integer columns = 2 "Column to be interpolated";
Integer ncol = 2 "Number of columns to be interpolated";
Integer nrow = size(table, 1) "Number of table rows";
Integer next0;
Real tp;
Real dt;
next := last;
nextEventScaled := timeScaled - TimeEps * abs(timeScaled);
tp := timeScaled + TimeEps * abs(timeScaled);
if tp < startTimeScaled then
nextEventScaled := startTimeScaled;
a := 0;
b := offset;
elseif nrow < 2 then
a := 0;
b := offset + table[1,columns];
tp := tp - shiftTimeScaled;
while next < nrow and table[next,1] <= tp loop
next := next + 1;
end while;
if next < nrow then
nextEventScaled := shiftTimeScaled + table[next,1];
end if;
if next == 1 then
next := 2;
end if;
next0 := next - 1;
dt := table[next,1] - table[next0,1];
if dt <= TimeEps * abs(table[next,1]) then
a := 0;
b := offset + table[next,columns];
a := (table[next,columns] - table[next0,columns]) / dt;
b := offset + table[next0,columns] - a * table[next0,1];
end if;
end if;
b := b - a * shiftTimeScaled;
end getInterpolationCoefficients;
if noEvent(1 < size(table, 1)) then
assert(not (0 < table[1,1] or table[1,1] < 0), "The first point in time has to be set to 0, but is table[1,1] = " + String(table[1,1]));
end if;
when {pre(nextEvent) <= time, initial()} then
(a,b,nextEventScaled,last) := getInterpolationCoefficients(table, offset, startTime / timeScale, timeScaled, last, 100 * Modelica.Constants.eps, shiftTime / timeScale);
nextEvent := nextEventScaled * timeScale;
end when;
assert(0 < size(table, 1), "No table values defined.");
y = a * timeScaled + b;
timeScaled = time / timeScale;
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info = "<html>\n<p>\nThis block generates an output signal by <strong>linear interpolation</strong> in\na table. The time points and function values are stored in a matrix\n<strong>table[i,j]</strong>, where the first column table[:,1] contains the\ntime points and the second column contains the data to be interpolated.\nThe table interpolation has the following properties:\n</p>\n<ul>\n<li>The interpolation interval is found by a linear search where the interval used in the\n last call is used as start interval.</li>\n<li>The time points need to be <strong>monotonically increasing</strong>.</li>\n<li><strong>Discontinuities</strong> are allowed, by providing the same\n time point twice in the table.</li>\n<li>Values <strong>outside</strong> of the table range, are computed by\n <strong>extrapolation</strong> through the last or first two points of the\n table.</li>\n<li>If the table has only <strong>one row</strong>, no interpolation is performed and\n the function value is just returned independently of the actual time instant.</li>\n<li>Via parameters <strong>shiftTime</strong> and <strong>offset</strong> the curve defined\n by the table can be shifted both in time and in the ordinate value.\n The time instants stored in the table are therefore <strong>relative</strong>\n to <strong>shiftTime</strong>.</li>\n<li>If time < startTime, no interpolation is performed and the offset\n is used as ordinate value for the output.</li>\n<li>If the table has more than one row, the first point in time <strong>always</strong> has to be set to <strong>0</strong>, e.g.,\n <strong>table=[1,1;2,2]</strong> is <strong>illegal</strong>. If you want to\n shift the time table in time use the <strong>shiftTime</strong> parameter instead.</li>\n<li>The table is implemented in a numerically sound way by\n generating <strong>time events</strong> at interval boundaries.\n This generates continuously differentiable values for the integrator.</li>\n<li>Via parameter <strong>timeScale</strong> the first column of the table array can\n be scaled, e.g., if the table array is given in hours (instead of seconds)\n <strong>timeScale</strong> shall be set to 3600.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>\nExample:\n</p>\n<pre>\n table = [0, 0;\n 1, 0;\n 1, 1;\n 2, 4;\n 3, 9;\n 4, 16];\nIf, e.g., time = 1.0, the output y = 0.0 (before event), 1.0 (after event)\n e.g., time = 1.5, the output y = 2.5,\n e.g., time = 2.0, the output y = 4.0,\n e.g., time = 5.0, the output y = 23.0 (i.e., extrapolation).\n</pre>\n\n<p>\n<img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Blocks/Sources/TimeTable.png\"\n alt=\"TimeTable.png\">\n</p>\n\n</html>",
revisions = "<html>\n<h4>Release Notes</h4>\n<ul>\n<li><em>Oct. 21, 2002</em>\n by Christian Schweiger:<br>\n Corrected interface from\n<pre>\n parameter Real table[:, :]=[0, 0; 1, 1; 2, 4];\n</pre>\n to\n<pre>\n parameter Real table[:, <strong>2</strong>]=[0, 0; 1, 1; 2, 4];\n</pre>\n </li>\n<li><em>Nov. 7, 1999</em>\n by <a href=\"\">Martin Otter</a>:<br>\n Realized.</li>\n</ul>\n</html>"));
end TimeTable;