
class Contact "Contact"
    extends Modelica.Icons.Contact;

    annotation (Documentation(info = "<html>\n<h4>Library officers</h4>\n\n<p>\n<strong>Francesco Casella</strong><br>\n    Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione<br>\n    Politecnico di Milano<br>\n    Via Ponzio 34/5<br>\n    I-20133 Milano, Italy<br>\n    email: <a href=\"\"></a>\n</p>\n<p>\n<strong>R&uuml;diger Franke</strong><br>\n    ABB AG<br>\n    PTSP-E22<br>\n    Kallstadter Str. 1<br>\n    D-68163, Germany<br>\n    email: <a href=\"\"></a>\n</p>\n\n<h4>Acknowledgements</h4>\n\n<p>\nThe development of this library has been a collaborative effort\nand many have contributed.\n</p>\n<ul>\n<li>The previous design of this library (until beginning of 2008) was based on the paper\n     Elmqvist H., Tummescheit H., and Otter M.:\n     <a href=\"\">Object-Oriented Modeling of Thermo-Fluid Systems</a>.\n     Modelica 2003 Conference, Link&ouml;ping, Sweden, pp. 269-286, Nov. 3-4, 2003.<br>\n     This design has been partly changed, especially by the introduction of the streams\n     concept.</li>\n\n<li>The Fluid library development was organized in 2002-2004 by Martin\n     Otter, since 2004 it is organized by Francesco Casella, and\n     since 2008 it is organized jointly by Francesco Casella and R&uuml;diger Franke.</li>\n\n<li>Francesco Casella included several components of his ThermoPower\n     library with some rewriting. The stream connector concept used in Modelica.Fluid is\n     based on a similar concept developed by him for the ThermoPower library.</li>\n\n<li>R&uuml;diger Franke initiated the stream connector concept as an extension\n     and improved version of the ThermoPower concept. In Nov. 2008 - Jan. 2009 he\n     greatly restructured and improved the library.</li>\n\n<li>Michael Wetter introduced trace constituents in Modelica.Fluid consistently and\n     provided corresponding examples under Examples.TraceSubstances.</li>\n\n<li>The following people contributed to the fluid component models,\n     examples, and the further design of the library\n     (alphabetical list):<br>\n     John Batteh,\n     Francesco Casella, Jonas Eborn, Hilding Elmqvist,\n     R&uuml;diger Franke, Manuel Gr&auml;ber, Henning Knigge,\n     Sven Erik Mattsson, Chuck Newman, Hans Olsson,\n     Martin Otter, Katrin Pr&ouml;l&szlig;,\n     Christoph Richter, Michael Sielemann, Mike Tiller, Hubertus Tummescheit,\n     Allan Watson, Michael Wetter.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>\n  Partial financial support of ABB and DLR by BMBF (BMBF F&ouml;rderkennzeichen: 01IS07022F) for the further development\n     of this library within the <a href=\"\">ITEA</a> project EUROSYSLIB\n     is highly appreciated.</p>\n\n</html>"));
end Contact;