connector FluidPort "Interface for quasi one-dimensional fluid flow in a piping network (incompressible or compressible, one or more phases, one or more substances)"
replaceable package Medium = Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium "Medium model";
flow Medium.MassFlowRate m_flow "Mass flow rate from the connection point into the component";
Medium.AbsolutePressure p "Thermodynamic pressure in the connection point";
stream Medium.SpecificEnthalpy h_outflow "Specific thermodynamic enthalpy close to the connection point if m_flow < 0";
stream Medium.MassFraction Xi_outflow[Medium.nXi] "Independent mixture mass fractions m_i/m close to the connection point if m_flow < 0";
stream Medium.ExtraProperty C_outflow[Medium.nC] "Properties c_i/m close to the connection point if m_flow < 0";
end FluidPort;