
block VfController "Voltage-Frequency-Controller"
    import Modelica.Constants.pi;

    extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SIMO(u(unit = "Hz"), final nout = m);

    parameter Integer m = 3 "Number of phases";
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Angle orientation[m] = -Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Functions.symmetricOrientation(m) "Orientation of phases";
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage VNominal "Nominal RMS voltage per phase";
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Frequency fNominal "Nominal frequency";
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Angle BasePhase = 0 "Common phase shift";
    parameter Boolean EconomyMode = false "Economy mode: voltage quadratic dependent on frquency"
        annotation (
            Evaluate = true,
            choices(checkBox = true));
    output Modelica.SIunits.Angle x(start = 0, fixed = true) "Integrator state";
    output Modelica.SIunits.Voltage amplitude;
    parameter Integer pow = if EconomyMode then 2 else 1 annotation (Evaluate = true);
    y = amplitude * sin(fill(x + BasePhase, m) + orientation);
    amplitude = sqrt(2) * VNominal * (if abs(u) < fNominal then (abs(u) / fNominal) ^ pow else 1);
    der(x) = 2 * pi * u;

    annotation (
                preserveAspectRatio = true,
                extent = {
                    {-100, -100}, 
                    {100, 100}}),
            graphics = {
                    visible = not EconomyMode,
                    points = {
                        {-100, -100}, 
                        {0, 60}, 
                        {80, 60}},
                    color = {0, 0, 255}), 
                    points = {
                        {-70, 0}, 
                        {-60.2, 29.9}, 
                        {-53.8, 46.5}, 
                        {-48.2, 58.1}, 
                        {-43.3, 65.2}, 
                        {-38.3, 69.2}, 
                        {-33.4, 69.8}, 
                        {-28.5, 67}, 
                        {-23.6, 61}, 
                        {-18.6, 52}, 
                        {-13, 38.6}, 
                        {-5.98, 18.6}, 
                        {8.79, -26.9}, 
                        {15.1, -44}, 
                        {20.8, -56.2}, 
                        {25.7, -64}, 
                        {30.6, -68.6}, 
                        {35.5, -70}, 
                        {40.5, -67.9}, 
                        {45.4, -62.5}, 
                        {50.3, -54.1}, 
                        {55.9, -41.3}, 
                        {63, -21.7}, 
                        {70, 0}},
                    color = {192, 192, 192},
                    smooth = Smooth.Bezier), 
                    points = {
                        {-40, 0}, 
                        {-30.2, 29.9}, 
                        {-23.8, 46.5}, 
                        {-18.2, 58.1}, 
                        {-13.3, 65.2}, 
                        {-8.3, 69.2}, 
                        {-3.4, 69.8}, 
                        {1.5, 67}, 
                        {6.4, 61}, 
                        {11.4, 52}, 
                        {17, 38.6}, 
                        {24.02, 18.6}, 
                        {38.79, -26.9}, 
                        {45.1, -44}, 
                        {50.8, -56.2}, 
                        {55.7, -64}, 
                        {60.6, -68.6}, 
                        {65.5, -70}, 
                        {70.5, -67.9}, 
                        {75.4, -62.5}, 
                        {80.3, -54.1}, 
                        {85.9, -41.3}, 
                        {93, -21.7}, 
                        {100, 0}},
                    color = {192, 192, 192},
                    smooth = Smooth.Bezier), 
                    points = {
                        {-100, 0}, 
                        {-90.2, 29.9}, 
                        {-83.8, 46.5}, 
                        {-78.2, 58.1}, 
                        {-73.3, 65.2}, 
                        {-68.3, 69.2}, 
                        {-63.4, 69.8}, 
                        {-58.5, 67}, 
                        {-53.6, 61}, 
                        {-48.6, 52}, 
                        {-43, 38.6}, 
                        {-35.98, 18.6}, 
                        {-21.21, -26.9}, 
                        {-14.9, -44}, 
                        {-9.2, -56.2}, 
                        {-4.3, -64}, 
                        {0.6, -68.6}, 
                        {5.5, -70}, 
                        {10.5, -67.9}, 
                        {15.4, -62.5}, 
                        {20.3, -54.1}, 
                        {25.9, -41.3}, 
                        {33, -21.7}, 
                        {40, 0}},
                    color = {192, 192, 192},
                    smooth = Smooth.Bezier), 
                    visible = EconomyMode,
                    points = {
                        {-100, -100}, 
                        {-90, -98}, 
                        {-80, -94}, 
                        {-70, -86}, 
                        {-60, -74}, 
                        {-50, -60}, 
                        {-40, -42}, 
                        {-30, -22}, 
                        {-20, 2}, 
                        {-10, 30}, 
                        {0, 60}, 
                        {80, 60}},
                    color = {0, 0, 255})}),
        Documentation(info = "<html>\nSimple Voltage-Frequency-Controller.<br>\nAmplitude of voltage is linear dependent (VNominal/fNominal) on frequency (input signal \"u\"), but limited by VNominal (nominal RMS voltage per phase).<br>\nm sine-waves with amplitudes as described above are provided as output signal \"y\".<br>\nBy setting parameter EconomyMode=true, Voltage rises quadratically with frequency which means flux,torque and loss reduction for fan and pump drives.<br>\nThe sine-waves are intended to feed a m-phase SignalVoltage.<br>\nPhase shifts between sine-waves may be chosen by the user; default values are <em>(k-1)/m*pi for k in 1:m</em>.\n</html>"));
end VfController;