
block PadeDelay "Pade approximation of delay block with fixed delayTime (use balance=true; this is not the default to be backwards compatible)"
    extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO;

    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time delayTime(start = 1) "Delay time of output with respect to input signal";
    parameter Integer n(min = 1) = 1 "Order of Pade delay";
    parameter Integer m(min = 1, max = n) = n "Order of numerator (usually m=n, or m=n-1)";
    parameter Boolean balance = false "= true, if state space system is balanced (highly recommended), otherwise textbook version"
        annotation (choices(checkBox = true));
    output Real x[n] "State of transfer function from controller canonical form (balance=false), or balanced controller canonical form (balance=true)";
    parameter Real a1[n](each fixed = false) "First row of A";
    parameter Real b11(fixed = false) "= B[1,1]";
    parameter Real c[n](each fixed = false) "C row matrix";
    parameter Real d(fixed = false) "D matrix";
    parameter Real s[n - 1](each fixed = false) "State scaling";

    function padeCoefficients2
        extends Modelica.Icons.Function;

        input Real T "delay time";
        input Integer n "order of denominator";
        input Integer m "order of numerator";
        input Boolean balance = false;
        output Real a1[n] "First row of A";
        output Real b11 "= B[1,1]";
        output Real c[n] "C row matrix";
        output Real d "D matrix";
        output Real s[n - 1] "Scaling such that x[i] = s[i-1]*x[i-1], i > 1";
        Real b[m + 1] "numerator coefficients of transfer function";
        Real a[n + 1] "denominator coefficients of transfer function";
        Real nm;
        Real bb[n + 1];
        Real A[n,n];
        Real B[n,1];
        Real C[1,n];
        Real A2[n,n] = zeros(n, n);
        Real B2[n,1] = zeros(n, 1);
        Real C2[1,n] "C matrix";
        Integer nb = m + 1;
        Integer na = n + 1;
        Real sx[n];
        a[1] := 1;
        b[1] := 1;
        nm := n + m;
        for i in 1:n loop
            a[i + 1] := a[i] * (T * ((n - i + 1) / (nm - i + 1)) / i);
            if i <= m then 
                b[i + 1] := -b[i] * (T * ((m - i + 1) / (nm - i + 1)) / i);
            end if;
        end for;
        b := b[m + 1:-1:1];
        a := a[n + 1:-1:1];
        bb := vector([zeros(n - m, 1); b]);
        d := bb[1] / a[1];
        if balance then 
            A2[1,:] := -a[2:na] / a[1];
            B2[1,1] := a[1] ^ (-1);
            for i in 1:n - 1 loop
                A2[i + 1,i] := 1;
            end for;
            C2[1,:] := bb[2:na] - d * a[2:na];
            (sx,A,B,C) := Modelica.Math.Matrices.balanceABC(A2, B2, C2);
            for i in 1:n - 1 loop
                s[i] := sx[i] / sx[i + 1];
            end for;
            a1 := A[1,:];
            b11 := B[1,1];
            c := vector(C);
            s := ones(n - 1);
            a1 := -a[2:na] / a[1];
            b11 := a[1] ^ (-1);
            c := bb[2:na] - d * a[2:na];
        end if;
    end padeCoefficients2;
initial equation
    if balance then 
        der(x) = zeros(n);
        x[n] = u;
    end if;
    (a1, b11, c, d, s) = padeCoefficients2(delayTime, n, m, balance);
    if 1 < n then 
        der(x[2:n]) = s .* x[1:n - 1];
    end if;
    y = c * x + d * u;
    der(x[1]) = a1 * x + b11 * u;

    annotation (
            info = "<html>\n<p>\nThe Input signal is delayed by a given time instant, or more precisely:\n</p>\n<pre>\n   y = u(time - delayTime) for time &gt; time.start + delayTime\n     = u(time.start)       for time &le; time.start + delayTime\n</pre>\n<p>\nThe delay is approximated by a Pade approximation, i.e., by\na transfer function\n</p>\n<pre>\n           b[1]*s^m + b[2]*s^[m-1] + ... + b[m+1]\n   y(s) = --------------------------------------------- * u(s)\n           a[1]*s^n + a[2]*s^[n-1] + ... + a[n+1]\n</pre>\n<p>\nwhere the coefficients b[:] and a[:] are calculated such that the\ncoefficients of the Taylor expansion of the delay exp(-T*s) around s=0\nare identical up to order n+m.\n</p>\n<p>\nThe main advantage of this approach is that the delay is\napproximated by a linear differential equation system, which\nis continuous and continuously differentiable. For example, it\nis uncritical to linearize a system containing a Pade-approximated\ndelay.\n</p>\n<p>\nThe standard text book version uses order \"m=n\", which is\nalso the default setting of this block. The setting\n\"m=n-1\" may yield a better approximation in certain cases.\n</p>\n\n<p>\nIt is strongly recommended to always set parameter <strong>balance</strong> = true,\nin order to arrive at a much better reliable numerical computation.\nThis is not the default, in order to be backwards compatible, so you have\nto explicitly set it. Besides better numerics, also all states are initialized\nwith <strong>balance</strong> = true (in steady-state, so der(x)=0). Longer explanation:\n</p>\n\n<p>\nBy default the transfer function of the Pade approximation is implemented\nin controller canonical form. This results in coefficients of the A-matrix in\nthe order of 1 up to the order of O(1/delayTime)^n. For already modest values\nof delayTime and n, this gives largely varying coefficients (for example delayTime=0.001 and n=4\nresults in coefficients between 1 and 1e12). In turn, this results\nin a large norm of the system matrix [A,B;C,D] and therefore in unreliable\nnumerical computations. When setting parameter <strong>balance</strong> = true, a state\ntransformation is performed that considerably reduces the norm of the system matrix.\nThis is performed without introducing round-off errors. For details see\nfunction <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Math.Matrices.balanceABC\">balanceABC</a>.\nAs a result, both the simulation of the PadeDelay block, and especially\nits linearization becomes more reliable.\n</p>\n\n<h5>Literature:</h5>\n<p>Otto Foellinger: Regelungstechnik, 8. Auflage,\nchapter 11.9, page 412-414, Huethig Verlag Heidelberg, 1994\n</p>\n</html>",
            revisions = "<html>\n<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"1\"><tr>\n<th>Date</th>\n<th>Author</th>\n<th>Comment</th>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>2015-01-05</td>\n<td>Martin Otter (DLR-SR)</td>\n<td>Introduced parameter balance=true and a new implementation\n of the PadeDelay block with an optional, more reliable numerics</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</html>"),
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end PadeDelay;