
block TruncatedNormalNoise "Noise generator with truncated normal distribution"
    import distribution = Modelica.Math.Distributions.TruncatedNormal.quantile;

    extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.PartialNoise;

    parameter Real y_min(start = 0) "Lower limit of y"
        annotation (Dialog(enable = enableNoise));
    parameter Real y_max(start = 1) "Upper limit of y"
        annotation (Dialog(enable = enableNoise));
    parameter Real mu = 0.5 * (y_max + y_min) "Expectation (mean) value of the normal distribution"
        annotation (Dialog(
            enable = enableNoise,
            tab = "Advanced",
            group = "Noise generation"));
    parameter Real sigma = 0.166666666666667 * (y_max - y_min) "Standard deviation of the normal distribution"
        annotation (Dialog(
            enable = enableNoise,
            tab = "Advanced",
            group = "Noise generation"));
initial equation
    r = distribution(r_raw, y_min, y_max, mu, sigma);
    when generateNoise and sample(startTime, samplePeriod) then 
        r = distribution(r_raw, y_min, y_max, mu, sigma);
    end when;

    annotation (
                preserveAspectRatio = false,
                extent = {
                    {-100, -100}, 
                    {100, 100}}),
            graphics = {
                    visible = enableNoise,
                    points = {
                        {-76, 60}, 
                        {78, 60}},
                    color = {95, 95, 95},
                    pattern = LinePattern.Dot), 
                    visible = enableNoise,
                    points = {
                        {-76, -60}, 
                        {78, -60}},
                    color = {95, 95, 95},
                    pattern = LinePattern.Dot), 
                    visible = enableNoise,
                    extent = {
                        {-70, 94}, 
                        {95, 64}},
                    lineColor = {175, 175, 175},
                    textString = "%y_max"), 
                    visible = enableNoise,
                    extent = {
                        {-70, -64}, 
                        {95, -94}},
                    lineColor = {175, 175, 175},
                    textString = "%y_min"), 
                    extent = {
                        {-71, 12}, 
                        {71, -12}},
                    lineColor = {175, 175, 175},
                    origin = {-88, -11},
                    rotation = 90,
                    textString = "normal")}),
            info = "<html>\n<p>\nA summary of the common properties of the noise blocks is provided in the documentation of package\n<a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Blocks.Noise\">Blocks.Noise</a>.\nThis TruncatedNormalNoise block generates reproducible, random noise at its output according to a truncated normal distribution.\nThis means that normally distributed random values are truncated to the band y_min ... y_max.\nMeasurement noise has often this distribution form.\nBy default, the standard parameters of the truncated normal distribution are derived from\ny_min ... y_max:\n</p>\n<blockquote><p>\nmean value = (y_max + y_min)/2,<br>\nstandard deviation = (y_max - y_min)/6 (= 99.7 % of the non-truncated normal distribution are within y_min ... y_max).\n</p></blockquote>\n\n<p>\nFor an example see <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Blocks.Examples.NoiseExamples.Distributions\">NoiseExamples.Distributions</a>.\nBy default, two or more instances produce different, uncorrelated noise at the same time instant.\nThe block can only be used if on the same or a higher hierarchical level,\nmodel <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Blocks.Noise.GlobalSeed\">Blocks.Noise.GlobalSeed</a>\nis dragged to provide global settings for all instances.\n</p>\n</html>",
            revisions = "<html>\n<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>\n<tr><th>Date</th> <th align=\"left\">Description</th></tr>\n\n<tr><td> June 22, 2015 </td>\n    <td>\n\n<table border=0>\n<tr><td>\n         <img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Blocks/Noise/dlr_logo.png\">\n</td><td valign=\"bottom\">\n         Initial version implemented by\n         A. Kl&ouml;ckner, F. v.d. Linden, D. Zimmer, M. Otter.<br>\n         <a href=\"\">DLR Institute of System Dynamics and Control</a>\n</td></tr></table>\n</td></tr>\n\n</table>\n</html>"));
end TruncatedNormalNoise;