block MultiSwitch "Set Integer expression that is associated with the first active input signal"
input Integer expr[nu] = fill(0, nu) "y = if u[i] then expr[i] elseif use_pre_as_default then pre(y) else y_default"
annotation (Dialog);
parameter Integer y_default = 0 "Default value of output y if use_pre_as_default=false, as well as pre(y) at initial time";
parameter Boolean use_pre_as_default = true "= true, y holds its last value if all u[i]=false, otherwise y=y_default"
annotation (
HideResult = true,
choices(checkBox = true));
parameter Integer nu(min = 0) = 0 "Number of input connections"
annotation (
Dialog(connectorSizing = true),
HideResult = true);
Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanVectorInput u[nu] "Set y = expr[i], if u[i] = true"
annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
{-110, 30},
{-90, -30}})));
Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.IntegerOutput y "Output depending on expression"
annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
{300, -10},
{320, 10}})));
Integer firstActiveIndex;
initial equation
pre(y) = y_default;
y = if 0 < firstActiveIndex then expr[firstActiveIndex] else if use_pre_as_default then pre(y) else y_default;
firstActiveIndex = Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.firstTrueIndex(u);
annotation (
defaultComponentName = "multiSwitch1",
preserveAspectRatio = false,
extent = {
{-100, -100},
{300, 100}}),
graphics = {
extent = {
{310, -25},
{410, -45}},
textString = DynamicSelect(" ", String(y, minimumLength = 1, significantDigits = 0))),
visible = not use_pre_as_default,
extent = {
{-100, -60},
{300, -90}},
textString = "else: %y_default"),
visible = use_pre_as_default,
extent = {
{-100, -50},
{300, -80}},
textString = "else: pre(y)"),
extent = {
{-100, -40},
{300, 40}},
fillColor = {255, 213, 170},
fillPattern = FillPattern.Solid,
borderPattern = BorderPattern.Raised),
extent = {
{-100, 90},
{300, 50}},
textString = "%name",
lineColor = {0, 0, 255}),
extent = {
{-80, 15},
{290, -15}},
textString = "%expr")}),
Documentation(info = "<html>\n<p>\nThis block has a vector of Boolean input signals u[nu] and a vector of\n(time varying) Integer expressions expr[nu]. The output signal y is\nset to expr[i], if i is the first element in the input vector u that is true. If all input signals are\nfalse, y is set to parameter \"y_default\" or the last value is kept, if use_pre_as_default = <strong>true</strong>.\n</p>\n\n<blockquote><pre>\n // Conceptual equation (not valid Modelica)\n i = 'first element of u[:] that is true';\n y = <strong>if</strong> i==0 <strong>then</strong> (<strong>if</strong> use_pre_as_default <strong>then</strong> pre(y)\n <strong>else</strong> y_default)\n <strong>else</strong> expr[i];\n</pre></blockquote>\n\n<p>\nThe input connector is a vector of Boolean input signals.\nWhen a connection line is drawn, the dimension of the input\nvector is enlarged by one and the connection is automatically\nconnected to this new free index (thanks to the\nconnectorSizing annotation).\n</p>\n\n<p>\nThe usage is demonstrated, e.g., in example\n<a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Blocks.Examples.IntegerNetwork1\">Modelica.Blocks.Examples.IntegerNetwork1</a>.\n</p>\n\n</html>"));
end MultiSwitch;