
block RectifiedMean "Calculate rectified mean over period 1/f"
    extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO;

    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Frequency f(start = 50) "Base frequency";
    parameter Real x0 = 0 "Start value of integrator state";
    Mean mean(final f = f, final x0 = x0) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
        {0, -10}, 
        {20, 10}})));
    Blocks.Math.Abs abs1 annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
        {-60, -10}, 
        {-40, 10}})));
    connect(u,abs1.u) annotation (Line(
        points = {
            {-120, 0}, 
            {-62, 0}},
        color = {0, 0, 127}));
    connect(abs1.y,mean.u) annotation (Line(
        points = {
            {-39, 0}, 
            {-2, 0}},
        color = {0, 0, 127}));
    connect(mean.y,y) annotation (Line(
        points = {
            {21, 0}, 
            {110, 0}},
        color = {0, 0, 127}));

    annotation (
        Documentation(info = "<html>\n<p>\nThis block calculates the rectified mean of the input signal u over the given period 1/f, using the\n<a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Blocks.Math.Mean\">mean block</a>.\n</p>\n<p>\nNote: The output is updated after each period defined by 1/f.\n</p>\n</html>"),
        Icon(graphics = {
                extent = {
                    {-80, 60}, 
                    {80, 20}},
                textString = "RM"), 
                extent = {
                    {-80, -20}, 
                    {80, -60}},
                textString = "f=%f")}));
end RectifiedMean;