block RealFFT "Sampling and FFT of input u"
    extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.DiscreteBlock(final samplePeriod = (2 * f_res * div(ns, 2)) ^ (-1));

    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Frequency f_max "Maximum frequency of interest";
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Frequency f_res "Frequency resolution";
    final parameter Integer ns = Modelica.Math.FastFourierTransform.realFFTsamplePoints(f_max, f_res, f_max_factor = 5) "Number of samples";
    final parameter Integer nf = max(1, min(integer(ceil(f_max / f_res)) + 1, div(ns, 2))) "Number of frequency points";
    parameter String resultFileName = "realFFT.mat" "Result file: f, abs, arg";
    output Integer info(start = 0, fixed = true) "Information flag from FFT computation";
    Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput u annotation (Placement(
        transformation(extent = {
            {-140, -20}, 
            {-100, 20}}),
        iconTransformation(extent = {
            {-140, -20}, 
            {-100, 20}})));
    Real buf[ns](start = zeros(ns), each fixed = true) "Input buffer";
    Real abs[nf](start = zeros(nf), each fixed = true) "FFT amplitudes";
    Real arg[nf](start = zeros(nf), each fixed = true) "FFT phases";
    Integer iTick(start = 0, fixed = true) "Sample ticks";
    when {sampleTrigger} then 
        iTick := pre(iTick) + 1;
        if iTick <= ns then 
            buf[iTick] := u;
        end if;
    end when;
    when terminal() then 
        if iTick < ns then 
            assert(false, "Sampling time not sufficient! stopTime>= " + String(startTime + (ns - 1) * samplePeriod));
            (info,abs,arg) := Modelica.Math.FastFourierTransform.realFFT(buf, nf);
            assert(info == 0, "Error in FFT");
            Modelica.Math.FastFourierTransform.realFFTwriteToFile(startTime + (ns - 1) * samplePeriod, resultFileName, f_max, abs, arg);
        end if;
    end when;

    annotation (
        Documentation(info = "<html>\n<p>\nThis block samples the input signal, calculates the Fast Fourier Transform by function <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Math.FastFourierTransform.realFFT\">Math.realFFT</a>,\nand (when simulation terminates) writes the output to result file resultFileName by function <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Math.FastFourierTransform.realFFTwriteToFile\">Math.realFFTwriteToFile</a>.\n</p>\n<p>\nThe number of sampling points as well as the samplePeriod is calculated from desired maximum frequency f_max and frequency resolution f_res.\n</p>\n<h4>Note</h4>\n<p>\nThe user has to take care that enough points can be sampled before the simulation ends: startTime + (ns - 1)*samplePeriod <= stopTime.\n</p>\n<p>\nThe result file is written as mat, first column = frequency, second column = amplitudes, third column = phases. The frequency points are separated by rows with amplitude and phase = 0,\nso one can plot the result directly as frequency lines.\n</p>\n</html>"),
        Icon(graphics = {
                points = {
                    {-80, 96}, 
                    {-86, 80}, 
                    {-74, 80}, 
                    {-80, 96}},
                lineColor = {135, 135, 135},
                fillColor = {192, 192, 192},
                fillPattern = FillPattern.Solid), 
                points = {
                    {-80, -92}, 
                    {-80, 80}},
                color = {135, 135, 135}), 
                points = {
                    {-92, -80}, 
                    {80, -80.3976}},
                color = {135, 135, 135}), 
                points = {
                    {96, -80.3976}, 
                    {80, -74.3976}, 
                    {80, -86.3976}, 
                    {96, -80.3976}},
                lineColor = {135, 135, 135},
                fillColor = {192, 192, 192},
                fillPattern = FillPattern.Solid), 
                points = {
                    {-70, 60}, 
                    {-70, -80}},
                thickness = 0.5), 
                points = {
                    {-30, -52}, 
                    {-30, -80}},
                thickness = 0.5), 
                points = {
                    {-10, -60}, 
                    {-10, -80}},
                thickness = 0.5), 
                points = {
                    {30, -68}, 
                    {30, -80}},
                thickness = 0.5), 
                points = {
                    {50, -70}, 
                    {50, -80}},
                thickness = 0.5)}));
end RealFFT;