
block Pythagoras "Determine the hypotenuse or leg of a right triangle"
    extends Interfaces.SI2SO;

    parameter Boolean u1IsHypotenuse = false "= true, if u1 is the hypotenuse and y is one leg";
    Interfaces.BooleanOutput valid "= true, if y is a valid result"
        annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
            {100, -70}, 
            {120, -50}})));
    Real y2 "Square of y";
    if not u1IsHypotenuse then 
        y2 = u1 ^ 2 + u2 ^ 2;
        y = sqrt(y2);
        valid = true;
        y2 = u1 ^ 2 - u2 ^ 2;
        valid = 0 <= y2;
        y = if noEvent(0 <= y2) then sqrt(y2) else 0;
    end if;

    annotation (
        Icon(graphics = {
                points = {
                    {34, -80}, 
                    {34, 80}, 
                    {-36, -40}, 
                    {34, -80}},
                fillColor = {192, 192, 192},
                fillPattern = FillPattern.Solid), 
                points = {
                    {-100, 60}, 
                    {22, 60}},
                pattern = LinePattern.Dash), 
                points = {
                    {34, 0}, 
                    {100, 0}},
                pattern = LinePattern.Dash), 
                points = {
                    {-100, -60}, 
                    {0, -60}},
                pattern = LinePattern.Dash), 
                visible = u1IsHypotenuse,
                points = {
                    {22, 60}, 
                    {34, 60}},
                pattern = LinePattern.Dash), 
                visible = u1IsHypotenuse,
                points = {
                    {-12, 0}, 
                    {34, 0}},
                pattern = LinePattern.Dash)}),
        Documentation(info = "<html>\n<p>This block determines the hypotenuse <code>y = sqrt(u1^2 + u2^2)</code>\nif the boolean parameter <code>u1IsHyotenuse = false</code>.\nIn this case the two inputs <code>u1</code> and\n<code>u2</code> are interpreted as the legs of a right triangle\nand the boolean output <code>valid</code> is always equal to\n<code>true</code>.</p>\n\n<p>If <code>u1IsHyotenuse = true</code>, input <code>u1</code> is interpreted as hypotenuse and <code>u2</code>\nis one of the two legs of a right triangle.\nThen, the other of the two legs of the right triangle is the output, determined by\n<code>y = sqrt(u1^2 - u2^2)</code>, if <code>u1^2 - u2^2 &ge; 0</code>; in this case the\nboolean output <code>valid</code> is equal to <code>true</code>. In case of <code>u1^2 - u2^2 &lt; 0</code>, the\noutput <code>y = 0</code> and <code>valid</code> is set to <code>false</code>.</p>\n</html>"));
end Pythagoras;