Scheduled Jobs

Jobs that cannot be dispatched immediately due to a delay in acquiring the resources from the underlying scheduler. such as CPUs or software licenses, are put on the job queue.

If the base scheduler is Accelerator, then the FairShare policy in that queue primarily determines what resources (taskers) are made available to Accelerator Plus and those resources are allocated to Accelerator Plus jobs of a specific FairShare group. This effectively by-passes the Accelerator Plus FairShare algorithm. The rules described below are applicable to other base schedulers:
  • Scheduling is first determined by the FairShare mechanism. All active FairShare groups, all groups with queued jobs, are ranked based on their distance from the target share of computing resources and the current number of running jobs. The FairShare group that is farthest behind the target has rank 0 (zero) and is selected first for scheduling. If none of the jobs from the FairShare group with rank 0 can be dispatched, Accelerator Plus looks at the jobs for the FairShare group for rank +1 and so on.
  • For a given FairShare group, jobs with higher priority are scheduled ahead of lower priority jobs.
  • For a given FairShare group of a given priority, jobs are scheduled on a first-come first-serve basis.
To check the status of the jobs in the queue, use the command wx summary. This page gives a report on all the classes of queued jobs (known as buckets):
  • The characteristics of the bucket: user, group, priority, and tool.
  • The number of jobs in the bucket and the age of the bucket: how long ago a job from that bucket was successfully dispatched.
  • The resources the jobs are waiting for.