Update Summary Table

Monitor utilizes summary tables for providing fast, high-level statistics for certain reports. The summary tables are automatically with a periodic job, via the UPDATE_SUMMARIES task by executing statistics gathering queries against the checkouts table and populating the results in the summary tables.

The ftlm_summary utility is used to update the summary tables at the CLI.


To execute ftlm_summary, first setup the CLI:

% vovproject enable licmon
After setting up the CLI, the command can be executed:

ftlm_summary: Usage Message

    Compute summary tables.

    % ftlm_summary [OPTIONS]
    -h                   -- This message.
    -v                   -- Increase verbosity.
    -start <TS>          -- Start time for checking duplicates
                            Default is one month ago.
    -end   <TS>          -- End time for checking duplicates
                            Default is 'now'.

    -full*               --
    -fullrange           -- Update all summaries in full start/finish range
                            in database

    -auto*               --
    -autorange           -- Look in metadata table to find out
                            range to update (the default)

    -tag     TagList     -- May be repeated
    -glitch  <timeSpec>  -- Glitch removal control (default 20s)
    -cap     0|1         -- Cap usage at capacity (default 0)

    % ftlm_summary -tag "EDA CDN"
    % ftlm_summary -start 20090101
    % ftlm_summary -tag SNSP -full
    % ftlm_summary -auto