Properties: Streams
The majority of configuration options for the server are set in the Streams.properties file in the <appdata> directory (e.g., C:\streamsserverdata\). If this file does not exist when the server starts, it will create it with all default values. When the server starts after an upgrade, it may add new properties and remove deprecated ones.
You can optionally move sensitive properties like passwords and URLs from this file, where they are stored in clear text, into a file named Secret.properties in the same directory. The Secret.properties file stores values encrypted, and you can manage it with PCLI. A property can only be defined in one of these files at a time.
The following properties can be set in the property files:
Property |
Access |
Attribute |
access.administrator.groups |
Description |
The role that is mapped to the administrator group. |
Default Value |
admin |
Property |
Access |
Attribute |
access.administrator.users |
Description |
Normally administrator access should be handled with the access.adminstrator.groups mapping, but for scenarios where the authentication cannot provide roles or you want to make exceptions for specific users, you can list individual usernames in this property. Any user listed here will get administrator access, regardless of their roles. Separate multiple users with the access.list.delimiter. |
Default Value |
Property |
Access |
Attribute |
access.default.roles |
Description |
The default roles applied to all users of the server. For example, if access.default.roles=DESIGNER,ADMINISTRATOR and a user with a VIEWER role logs on to the server, then the user will simultaneously have a VIEWER, DESIGNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles. However, if no default roles are wanted, then leave the property blank. NOTE: The roles that can be assigned in this property can only be ADMINISTRATOR, VIEWER, ANONYMOUS, and/or DESIGNER. This property is case sensitive. |
Default Value |
Property |
Access |
Attribute |
access.designer.groups |
Description |
The role that is mapped to the designer group. |
Default Value |
designer |
Property |
Access |
Attribute |
access.designer.users |
Description |
Normally designer access should be handled with the access.designer.groups mapping, but for scenarios where the authentication cannot provide roles or you want to make exceptions for specific users, you can list individual usernames in this property. Any user listed here will get designer access, regardless of their roles. Separate multiple users with the access.list.delimiter. |
Default Value |
Property |
Access |
Attribute |
access.viewer.groups |
Description |
The role that is assigned to the viewer group. NOTE: Currently not in use. Development ongoing. |
Default Value |
Property |
Access |
Attribute |
access.viewer.users |
Description |
Normally viewer access should be handled with the access.viewer.groups mapping, but for scenarios where the authentication cannot provide roles or you want to make exceptions for specific users, you can list individual usernames in this property. Any user listed here will get viewer access, regardless of their roles. Separate multiple users with the access.list.delimiter. |
Default Value |
Property |
Access |
Attribute |
access.list.delimiter |
Description |
The value delimiter to use when parsing access groups. Examples: access.list.delimiter=, access.administrator.groups=group1,group2
The groups are mapped to {'group1', 'group2'}
access.list.delimiter=, access.administrator.groups=group1;group2,group3
The groups are mapped to {'group1;group2', 'group3'}
access.list.delimiter=; access.administrator.groups=group1;group2,group3
The groups are mapped to {'group1', 'group2,group3'} |
Default Value |
',' (comma) |
Property |
Authentication: Header |
Attribute |
authentication.header.role.delimiter |
Description |
The delimiter used to separate the roles. Example: role1, role2,role3 |
Default Value |
, (Comma) |
Property |
Authentication: Header |
Attribute |
authentication.header.roles |
Description |
The name of the header that contains all the roles. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: Header |
Attribute |
authentication.header.rolesdynamic |
Description |
Supports the ability to create dynamic roles using free form patterns or string replacement. To create dynamic roles, use '{header value to be used}'. Example: authentication.header.rolesdynamic={HEADER_ROLES},financials,role_for_company_{HEADER_COMPANY}
Given this table:
Then the roles to create the authentication token will be the following: · designer · watcher · financials · role_for_company_industrials · role_for_company_consumers |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: Header |
Attribute |
authentication.header.username |
Description |
The name of the header that contains the username |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: Header |
Attribute |
authentication.header.validate.token |
Description |
If set to true, the authentication will validate the token. If set to false, the authentication of every request will be based on headers. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: Logout |
Attribute |
authentication.logout.redirect.url |
Description |
Takes a URL as a parameter. Clicking the logout button redirects the user to the specified URL. If this property is not set, user will be returned to the start page of Panopticon. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: OAuth 2.0 |
Attribute |
authentication.oauth2.client.ID |
Description |
The ID of the OAuth 2.0 client. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: OAuth 2.0 |
Attribute |
authentication.oauth2.client.secret |
Description |
The secret used by the OAuth 2.0 client. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: OAuth 2.0 |
Attribute |
authentication.oauth2.identity.attribute.roles |
Description |
The attribute that will be extracted from the identity response and used as the role. There can be multiple assigned roles for a user. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: OAuth 2.0 |
Attribute |
authentication.oauth2.identity.attribute.roles.pattern |
Description |
Takes regex used to extract the roles from the OAuth 2.0 server identity response. For example, the returned string: cn=admin,ou=groups,dc=openam,dc=openidentityplatform,dc=org,cn=designer,ou=groups,dc=openam,dc=openidentityplatform,dc=org contains two roles, admin and designer The regex to extract the roles is cn=([^,]+). |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: OAuth 2.0 |
Attribute |
authentication.oauth2.identity.attribute.username |
Description |
The attribute that will be extracted from the identity response and used as the username. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: OAuth 2.0 |
Attribute |
authentication.oauth2.identity.method |
Description |
The method on how the access token is passed along in the identity request. Supported values are QUERY, BODY, and HEADER. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: OAuth 2.0 |
Attribute |
authentication.oauth2.identity.url |
Description |
The URL to the REST service that provides details about the authenticated user. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: OAuth 2.0 |
Attribute |
authentication.oauth2.login.callback.url |
Description |
The callback URL. The URL should be the same as one of the specified callback URLs used by the client. The URL should refer to Panopticon Streams. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: OAuth 2.0 |
Attribute |
authentication.oauth2.login.redirect.url |
Description |
Redirects the user to the specified URL after successfully logging in. This property can be left blank, in which case the user is redirected to the URL they requested to access. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: OAuth 2.0 |
Attribute |
authentication.oauth2.login.response.type |
Description |
The response type. The only response type that is currently supported is CODE. The value can also be left blank. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: OAuth 2.0 |
Attribute |
authentication.oauth2.login.scope |
Description |
The requested scope. The field can be left blank. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: OAuth 2.0 |
Attribute |
authentication.oauth2.login.url |
Description |
The URL to the OAuth 2.0 login resource. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: OAuth 2.0 |
Attribute |
authentication.oauth2.logout.redirect.url |
Description |
Logging out revokes the token from the authentication server if the property authentication.oauth2.logout.url is set to the revocation URL. If this property is not set, the server will only remove its own token. If none of these properties are set, the server will attempt to redirect to the start page of Panopticon when logging out. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: OAuth 2.0 |
Attribute |
authentication.oauth2.logout.url |
Description |
The URL to the OAuth 2.0 logout resource. This field can be left blank. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: OAuth 2.0 |
Attribute |
authentication.oauth2.token.method |
Description |
The method on how the token should be retrieved. Supported values are QUERY, BODY, and HEADER. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: OAuth 2.0 |
Attribute |
authentication.oauth2.token.url |
Description |
The URL to the OAuth 2.0 token resource. |
Default Value |
Property |
Service authentication level |
Attribute |
authentication.role |
Description |
The authentication role. |
Default Value |
Property |
Service authentication level |
Attribute |
authentication.required |
Description |
The property that will make the authentication required. It will force the user to login in order to use any of the services provided by the server. |
Default Value |
true |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.serviceprovider.id |
Description |
The ID of the service provider configured in the IdP. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.assertionconsumerservice.url |
Description |
URL to the Panopticon assertion consumer service. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.identityprovider.url |
Description |
The URL to the IdP login service. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.assertion.username |
Description |
User attribute for username configured in the IdP. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.assertion.roles |
Description |
User attribute for roles configured in the IdP. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.certificate.name |
Description |
The name of the certificate used to validate signature and/or sign outgoing SAML messages |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.certificate.password |
Description |
The password of the certificate used to validate signature and/or sign outgoing SAML messages. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.challenge.required |
Description |
This property determines whether the IdP-first authentication with SAML is enabled or not. To enable, set this property to false. |
Default Value |
true |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.identityprovider.logout.url |
Description |
The URL to the IdP logout service. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.keystore.file |
Description |
The location of the Keystore file that contains the certificate. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.keystore.password |
Description |
The password to the Keystore file. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.identityprovider.certificate.file |
Description |
Takes a file path to a certificate file that contains the IdP’s public key. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.identityprovider.signature.validation.required |
Description |
Specifies whether to require a valid IdP signature to be present on the SAML response. Default value is false. |
Default Value |
false |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.provider |
Description |
The IdP provider. Possible values are OPENSAML, OPENAM. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.keystore.type |
Description |
The key store type. Possible values are JKS, JCEKS, PKCS12. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.login.redirect.url |
Description |
Redirects the user to the specified URL after successfully logging in. This property can be left blank, in which case the user is redirected to the URL they requested to access. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.logout.redirect.url |
Description |
Redirects the user back to the specified URL after logging out. This is mainly used with a proxy. In which case, Panopticon Real Time does not know the endpoint which the user is going towards to, and therefore cannot redirect the user back to the Overview page. If you are using OpenAM this is required, otherwise this property can be left blank. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.openam.meta.alias |
Description |
The meta alias for the IdP if you are using OpenAM. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: SAML |
Attribute |
authentication.saml.protocolbinding |
Description |
Protocol binding for the use of SAML authentication. Possible values are HTTP-Redirect, HTTP-POST, HTTP-Artifact, HTTP-POST-SimpleSign, or SOAP. |
Default Value |
HTTP-Redirect |
Property |
Service authentication login request |
Attribute |
authentication.timeout.callback |
Description |
The timeout (in milliseconds) for the user between initiated login and callback. The default value is five minutes. |
Default Value |
300000 |
Property |
Authentication: Token |
Attribute |
authentication.token.cookie |
Description |
Used when sticky load balancer is using cookies. |
Default Value |
stoken |
Property |
Authentication: Token |
Attribute |
authentication.token.domain |
Description |
The domain in which the token cookie should be registered under. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: Token |
Attribute |
authentication.token.persistence |
Description |
This property is used to determine if the token should persist if the browser is closed or if it should only last while the browser is open. There are two possible values: PERSISTENT and SESSION. PERSISTENT will persist the token in the browser even if the browser has been closed and reopened. SESSION will remove the token from the browser if it is shutdown. IMPORTANT: After modifying the property value to SESSION, ensure to clear the AppData/Token folder before starting the server. |
Default Value |
Property |
Authentication: Token |
Attribute |
authentication.token.refreshable |
Description |
This property determines if the token can refresh itself. The web client can identify if the token is about to expire and then request a new token with the existing token. A token is refreshable if the property is set to true. The token will expire and invalidate the user session if the property is set to false. |
Default Value |
true |
Property |
Authentication: Token |
Attribute |
authentication.token.secret |
Description |
The secret is used to sign the token. The secret will be auto-generated when the server starts for the first time. NOTE: This value should be kept a secret. |
Default Value |
Auto-generated |
Property |
Authentication: Token |
Attribute |
authentication.token.validity.seconds |
Description |
The number of seconds that the token should be valid. |
Default Value |
604800 |
Property |
Authentication |
Attribute |
authentication.type |
Description |
The type of the authentication mechanism that will be used on Panopticon Streams. |
Default Value |
Property |
Cache |
Attribute |
cache.plugin.ID |
Description |
The ID of the cache plugin that will be used. Possible value: BinaryTableFile-Cache |
Default Value |
BinaryTableFile-Cache |
Property |
Cache |
Attribute |
cache.purge.condition |
Description |
The condition for determining when the cache should be purged or cleared. Possible values: NONE, MEMORY. |
Default Value |
Property |
Cache |
Attribute |
cache.purge.condition.memory.threshold |
Description |
The memory threshold used to determine if the cache should be purged or not. The values are presented in percent, 0-100. 80 means that the cache will be purged if the memory consumption reaches 80 % or more. |
Default Value |
80 |
Property |
Cache |
Attribute |
cache.purge.enabled |
Description |
Enable or disable the purge functionality. Possible values: true, false |
Default Value |
true |
Property |
Cache |
Attribute |
cache.schedule.clear.enabled |
Description |
Enable the cache clearing schedule. This is scheduling the clear cache operation which will remove all the expired cache entries. |
Default Value |
true |
Property |
CEP: Application |
Attribute |
cep.application.autostart |
Description |
Determines whether all of the stored applications in the Streams server should auto start when the Streams server starts. |
Default Value |
false |
Property |
CEP: Application |
Attribute |
cep.kafka.application.state.path |
Description |
Where the tmp folder of Panopticon Streams data are created. |
Default Value |
C:/PanopticonStreams/Data/tmp/kafka-streams |
Property |
CEP: Kafka |
Attribute |
cep.kafka.connection.timeout |
Description |
The connection timeout towards Kafka. The value is presented in milliseconds. |
Default Value |
10000 |
Property |
CEP: Kafka |
Attribute |
cep.kafka.input.retention.ms |
Description |
Specifies the retention period of input streams. |
Default Value |
60000 |
Property |
CEP Kafka |
Attribute |
cep.kafka.monitoring.consumer.interceptor |
Description |
Names of classes that will be used to monitor data consumed from topics in a Streams application. In addition, these are hooks that will allow an external application to inspect this traffic. NOTE: The default value enables the Confluent Control Center to show metrics for a Streams application. |
Default Value |
io.confluent.monitoring.clients.interceptor.MonitoringConsumerInterceptor |
Property |
CEP Kafka |
Attribute |
cep.kafka.monitoring.producer.interceptor |
Description |
Names of classes that will be used to monitor data produced to topics in a Streams application. In addition, these are hooks that will allow an external application to inspect this traffic. NOTE: The default value enables the Confluent Control Center to show metrics for a Streams application. |
Default Value |
io.confluent.monitoring.clients.interceptor.MonitoringProducerInterceptor |
Property |
CEP: Kafka |
Attribute |
cep.kafka.output.retention.ms |
Description |
Specifies the retention period of output streams. |
Default Value |
900000 |
Property |
CEP: Kafka |
Attribute |
cep.kafka.properties |
Description |
The user-defined file that contains the properties for controlling the Kafka configurations in Panopticon Streams. |
Default Value |
kafka.properties |
Property |
CEP: Kafka |
Attribute |
cep.kafka.schemaregistry.url |
Description |
The URL to the Schema Registry. |
Default Value |
http://localhost:8081 |
Property |
CEP: Kafka |
Attribute |
cep.kafka.servers |
Description |
The URL to all the Kafka servers. |
Default Value |
localhost:9092 |
Property |
CEP: Kafka |
Attribute |
cep.kafka.session.timeout |
Description |
The timeout for the Kafka session. The value is presented in milliseconds. |
Default Value |
15000 |
Property |
CEP: Kafka |
Attribute |
cep.kafka.table.retention.ms |
Description |
Specifies the retention period for tables. |
Default Value |
86400000 |
Property |
CEP: Kafka |
Attribute |
cep.kafka.topic.partitions |
Description |
Propagates the server-wide default for topic partitions. NOTES: · The Partition Count priority is applied in the following sequence (top to bottom): 1. Topic level 2. Application level 3. Property level · The event processor create topic gets the partition count for that topic. If the topic exists, it checks for an existing partition count and deletes the topic if it has a different value, and then creates it with the provided partition count. · Kafka server with auto topic creation on connect will cause issues due to preemptive metric collector component. This can be fixed with Kafka-client version 2.3 onward upgrade and adding "allow.auto.create.topics=false" in KafkaConsumer properties for TopicMetricsThread: o PreviewSubscriptionThread o TopicInputSchemaRepository |
Default Value |
1 |
Property |
CEP: Kafka |
Attribute |
cep.kafka.watcher.wait |
Description |
The interval (in milliseconds) at which Streams will check the status of the ZooKeeper, Kafka Broker, and Schema Registry services. |
Default Value |
5000 |
Property |
CEP: Kafka |
Attribute |
cep.kafka.zookeeper.servers |
Description |
The URL to the ZooKeeper servers. |
Default Value |
localhost:2181 |
Property |
CEP: Kafka |
Attribute |
cep.type |
Description |
The CEP type. For now, the available value is KAFKA. |
Default Value |
Property |
Server Cluster |
Attribute |
cluster.bully.bind |
Description |
The URL of the server in bully mode. This should be the URL to the Panopticon server web application on the server itself, by which is reachable from the other servers. |
Default Value |
Property |
Server Cluster |
Attribute |
cluster.bully.boot |
Description |
Comma-separated list of server URLs in bully mode. At least one of these servers should be running at all time for the bully mode to work correctly. The URLs should be the same as the cluster.bully.bind value on each boot server. |
Default Value |
Property |
Server Cluster |
Attribute |
cluster.bully.id |
Description |
The unique server ID in bully mode. Can be any string, but do not change it after the server has participated in a cluster -- the other servers will store it and expect it to identify the same server in the future. The running server with the lowest ID lexicographically will be leader. |
Default Value |
Property |
Server Cluster |
Attribute |
cluster.fixed.leader |
Description |
The leader URL in fixed mode. This should be the URL to the Panopticon server web application on the preset leader server, by which it is reachable from the follower servers. Leave blank on the leader server itself. |
Default Value |
Property |
Server Cluster |
Attribute |
cluster.kubernetes.container_name |
Description |
Optionally name of the container that runs the Panopticon server, if the pod also runs other containers. If left blank, the first container will be used. |
Default Value |
Property |
Server Cluster |
Attribute |
cluster.kubernetes.id |
Description |
Set to the name of the pod that runs the container. |
Default Value |
(blank) |
Property |
Server Cluster |
Attribute |
cluster.kubernetes.label_selector |
Description |
Standard Kubernetes label selector that should only match the pods that are running the server. |
Default Value |
Property |
Server Cluster |
Attribute |
cluster.mode |
Description |
NONE (default), FIXED, BULLY, or KUBERNETES Controls how multiple servers connect to each other. This needs to be the same on all connected servers. |
Default Value |
Property |
Server Cluster |
Attribute |
cluster.shared.secret |
Description |
Any alphanumeric string. Secret used to encrypt a challenge in peer-to-peer communication handshake. Needs to be the same, and non-empty, on all connected servers. |
Default Value |
Property |
Server Cluster |
Attribute |
cluster.shared.store.shared_directory.path |
Description |
Shared store location in SHARED_DIRECTORY mode. This path must be reachable by all connected servers, and must point to the same physical directory on all of them. |
Default Value |
Property |
Server Cluster |
Attribute |
cluster.shared.store.type |
Description |
PRIVATE_DIRECTORY (default) or SHARED_DIRECTORY The shared store is used to store information that should be synchronized between servers but is not content, for example authentication tokens. If you have a tightly-coupled cluster, e.g., behind a load balancer, it is recommended that you configure this as a shared directory. |
Default Value |
Property |
AMPS Connector Custom Authenticator |
Attribute |
connector.amps.authenticators |
Description |
This property is required when a custom authenticator is needed for AMPS connection. A custom authenticator needs be implemented as java .JAR file. The property excepts a JSON object, where key is fully qualified name of the Authenticator Java class, and values are list of constructor parameter names, e.g., “{"com.panopticon.examples.amps.AMPSClientAuthenticator":["User","Shared Key"]}” |
Default Value |
Property |
Host Lookup |
Attribute |
connector.kdb.host.lookup.script |
Description |
Full path of the shell script file that is accessible on the server. When set, before making a new kdb+ connection, this script is executed to get the host info. This property helps in overriding connection details entered inside the kdb+ connector UI centrally, and may help when different authentications are set at kdb+ like Kerberos/Custom etc. The output of this script is expected to be a JSON object like below. { "host": "localhost", "port": 5001, "username": "", "password": "" } |
Default Value |
Property |
Host Lookup |
Attribute |
connector.kdb.host.lookup.script.arguments |
Description |
Delimited set of arguments to be passed to the script when it is executed. ’{host},{port},{userid},{password}’ is the default value, and these parameters are mapped to respective settings in the connector UI i.e., the value entered against these settings in the connector UI are passed as arguments to the script. This property can be extended or updated if you want to pass other datatable parameters as arguments. System parameter like {_user_id} or {_workbook_folder}, if added to the data table, can also be used. If the value of some parameter is null or empty at the time of execution of the script, two single quotes are passed (‘’) against that parameter, this is to make sure that arguments count matches the arguments set at this property. |
Default Value |
{host},{port},{userid},{password} |
Property |
Host Lookup |
Attribute |
connector.kdb.host.lookup.script.arguments.delimiter |
Description |
Used to split the arguments set at above property. |
Default Value |
, |
Property |
Host Lookup |
Attribute |
connector.kdb.host.lookup.script.timeout |
Description |
The timeout (in milliseconds) to wait for the host lookup script to run and return the host info. |
Default Value |
5000 |
Property |
Amazon Kinesis – Data Streams connector |
Attribute |
connector.kinesis.datastreams.accesskeyid |
Description |
The Access Key ID from the AWS account. |
Default Value |
Property |
Amazon Kinesis – Data Streams connector |
Attribute |
connector.kinesis.datastreams.secretaccesskey |
Description |
The Secret Access Key ID from the AWS account. |
Default Value |
Property |
Python connector |
Attribute |
connector.python.host |
Description |
The default Python Pyro instance host address. NOTES: For connector.python.host, connector.python.password, connector.python.port, and connector.python.serializertype properties: · If set in the Streams.properties file, these fields will be hidden in the Python connector and will be applied to the Python transform as well. · These default Streams Server connection properties will be applied at runtime. · These default Streams Server connection properties will override old Python connection settings. |
Default Value |
Property |
Python connector |
Attribute |
connector.python.password |
Description |
The default HMAC Key. |
Default Value |
Property |
Python connector |
Attribute |
connector.python.port |
Description |
The default Python Pyro host port. |
Default Value |
Property |
Python connector |
Attribute |
connector.python.serializertype |
Description |
The default Python serialization type. Possible values are serpent or pickle. |
Default Value |
Property |
Rserve connector |
Attribute |
connector.rserve.host |
Description |
The default Rserve host address. NOTES: For connector.rserve.host, connector.rserve.password, connector.rserve.port, and connector.rserve.userid properties: · If set in the Streams.properties file, these fields will be hidden in the Rserve connector and will be applied to the R transform as well. · These default Streams Server connection properties will be applied at runtime. · These default Streams Server connection properties will override old Rserve connection settings. |
Default Value |
Property |
Rserve connector |
Attribute |
connector.rserve.password |
Description |
The default password that will be used to connect to the Rserve service. |
Default Value |
Property |
Rserve connector |
Attribute |
connector.rserve.port |
Description |
The default Rserve host port. |
Default Value |
Property |
Rserve connector |
Attribute |
connector.rserve.userid |
Description |
The default user Id that will be used to connect to the Rserve service. |
Default Value |
Property |
REST Documentation |
Attribute |
documentation.enabled |
Description |
Enable or disable the OpenAPI Specification documentation for the REST interface. |
Default Value |
false |
Property |
Attribute |
error.default.message |
Description |
The error message that will be displayed instead of the actual error message. This is used to mask or hide error messages that may contain internal or sensitive details. |
Default Value |
Property |
File Upload |
Attribute |
file.upload.size.max.bytes |
Description |
Limit for files size to be uploaded through the web browser (i.e., workbooks, streams applications, streams data sources). |
Default Value |
30000000 |
Property |
Log level |
Attribute |
logger.level.file |
Description |
Controls the level that is logged to file. |
Default Value |
Property |
Server Metrics |
Attribute |
metrics.authorization.level |
Description |
Specifies the required authorization level to get server metrics. Available values are ANONYMOUS, VIEWER, DESIGNER, ADMINISTRATOR. NOTE: This property is case sensitive. |
Default Value |
Property |
Server Metrics |
Attribute |
metrics.collection.rate |
Description |
Specifies the rate at which metrics are collected in milliseconds. |
Default Value |
1000 |
Property |
Server Metrics |
Attribute |
metrics.file.flush.rate |
Description |
Specifies how often metrics should be saved to disk in milliseconds. Only used if the metrics.publisher.type is set to FILE. |
Default Value |
10000 |
Property |
Server Metrics |
Attribute |
metrics.memory.queue.size |
Description |
Specifies how many metric entries are stored in memory. When the number of metrics goes above the specifies value, the oldest value is removed to make room for the newest one (FIFO). Only used if the metrics.publisher.type is set to MEMORY. |
Default Value |
100 |
Property |
Server Metrics |
Attribute |
metrics.publisher.type |
Description |
Specifies the current metric publisher that is used. Available values are NONE, MEMORY, FILE, EMAIL, INFLUX_DB, JDBC, KAFKA, KDB, MQTT, REST, TEXT. |
Default Value |
Property |
Server Metrics |
Attribute |
metrics.publisher.configuration |
Description |
Specifies the id for which metric publisher configuration to use. |
Default Value |
Property |
Repository |
Attribute |
repository.import.archived.applications |
Description |
Allows to import all application backups from the <appdata>/CEP/Archive/. Refer to step 4 in the Migration to Streams Server 2021.0 from an Older Version section for more information. |
Default Value |
true |
Property |
Repository |
Attribute |
repository.pack.enabled |
Description |
The repository tracks all changes to all applications. If you have a very large number of applications, or have kept the repository for a very long time, the sheer number of files inside the .streams-repository subdirectory could cause the repository to become slower. Set this property to true to have the repository pack all the files into fewer larger ones for faster access. |
Default Value |
false |
Property |
Repository |
Attribute |
repository.startup.filesystemcheck |
Description |
If set to true, server runs on startup to verify the repository integrity and reports any of the following issues: · a deleted /HEAD file, · a modified /HEAD, · a modified /refs/heads/master file, · any file deleted inside /objects/ (e.g., /objects/94/443eec118fb8bb2021071896ff7d386a9c9518), · any file modified inside /objects/. NOTE: There may be dangling files in the /objects/ directory or those that are not in use. These files are typically results of failed saves and/or sync conflicts. The check may or may not detect deleted or modified dangling files, but that is not critical. |
Default Value |
false |
Property |
Attribute |
rest.response.error.stacktrace.included |
Description |
Include the error stackrace in REST responses. |
Default Value |
false |
Property |
Server Downgrade |
Attribute |
server.force_downgrade |
Description |
The server normally refuses to start if it detects that the AppData directory has been used by a server with a newer version. This is because downgrading content and other AppData files is not supported and can cause irreversable issues. You can set this property to true to force the server to start anyway, but it is strongly recommended that you do not. |
Default Value |
false |
Property |
Server |
Attribute |
server.id |
Description |
Specifies an id for the current server. The value of this property will be part of each metric entry so that it can be tied to a specific server if a server cluster is used. If no value is specified, the MAC address of the localhost network will be attempted to be used to identify the server. If this is not possible, a UUID will be generated. |
Default Value |
Property |
Licensing |
Attribute |
license.hwu.hosted |
Description |
Boolean stating if you wish to use Managed or Local Altair Units licensing. Set to true if you wish to use managed licensing. |
Default Value |
false |
Property |
Licensing |
Attribute |
license.hwu.hosted.authorization.username |
Description |
Username to the Altair One account. |
Default Value |
Property |
Licensing |
Attribute |
license.hwu.hosted.authorization.password |
Description |
Password to the Altair One account. |
Default Value |
Property |
Licensing |
Attribute |
license.hwu.hosted.authorization.token |
Description |
An authorization token generated through the Altair One admin portal. Used to authorize a machine to the managed Altair Units system. |
Default Value |
Property |
Licensing |
Attribute |
license.hwu.uri |
Description |
The path where the License Server is running e.g., 6200@ where the syntax is PORTNUMBER@HOST. If multiple servers are specified, use the ‘;’ semicolon separator sign for Windows and the ‘:’ colon separator sign for Linux. NOTE: If value is not set in the Streams.properties, the environment variable ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH serves as the backup path and will be used. |
Example |
For Windows: license.hwu.uri=6200@;6200@ For Linux: license.hwu.uri=6200@ |
Default Value |
Property |
Licensing |
Attribute |
license.hwu.use_client_timezone |
Description |
Determines how the ALJDK should process the timezone details. If set to true, the ALJDK will process the timezone details sent by Panopticon client to the Panopticon server. If set to false, the Panopticon server timezone is used. |
Default Value |
true |
Property |
Licensing |
Attribute |
license.hwu.version |
Description |
Value must match the license version found in the Altair Units license file. |
Default Value |
19.0 |
Property |
Licensing |
Attribute |
license.mode |
Description |
The license mode. Possible values are: FILE or HWU. To use the Altair Units license, set this property to HWU. |
Default Value |
Property |
Timeout Session |
Attribute |
timeout.session.enabled |
Description |
Boolean value stating if timeout functionality should be used or not. |
Default Value |
false |
Property |
Timeout Session |
Attribute |
timeout.session.exception.delimiter |
Description |
The delimiter to use for the usernames stated in the timeout.session.exception.usernames property. |
Default Value |
, (comma) |
Property |
Timeout Session |
Attribute |
timeout.session.exception.usernames |
Description |
Usernames that should be excluded from the timeout functionality. Separated by the delimiter stated in the timeout.session.exception.delimiter property. |
Default Value |
Property |
Timeout Session |
Attribute |
timeout.session.minutes |
Description |
Minutes of inactivity before a user session is terminated by logging out the user. |
Default Value |
480 |