Altair® Panopticon


Creating Rserve Input Data Source

The Rserve connector allows the retrieval of an output data frame from a running Rserve process.

For R connectivity, R must be first installed, together with the Rserve library.  In addition, R must be open, and the Rserve library must be loaded and initialized.


1.    In the New Data Source page, select Input > Rserve in the Connector drop-down list.



2.     Enter the following properties:




Rserve host address.


Rserve host port. Default is 6311.

User Id

The user Id that will be used to connect to the Rserve service.


The password that will be used to connect to the Rserve service.


3.     Enter the required R script to execute on the active Rserve instance.

4.     The Timeout is set to 10 seconds by default to ensure that slow running R scripts do not impact other areas of the product. You can opt to enter a new value.

5.     Select whether the parameters should be automatically enclosed in quotes by selecting the Enclose parameters in quotes check box.

6.     Click . The new data source is added in the Data Sources list.