Altair® Panopticon


Creating an InfluxDB Input Data Source

The InfluxDB connector allows for the retrieval of a JSON data set from the InfluxDB. The database communicates over HTTP(S) where you can define a query in the URL to return the desired data.


1.     In the New Data Source page, select Input > Influx DB in the Connector drop-down list.


2.      Enter the following information:




InfluxDB host address.


InfluxDB host port. Default is 8086.

User Id

The user Id that will be used to connect to the InfluxDB service.


The password to connect to the InfluxDB service.

Select the Show Characters check box to display the entered characters.


The name of the database that will communicate over the HTTP(S).

Time out (Secs)

The time out period applied to both the TCP socket and for individual read IO operations. Default is 10.


3.      Enter an SQL-like query language into the Query box.

4.     Click . The new data source is added in the Data Sources list.