Altair® Panopticon


Connector for S3

The S3 connector allows for retrieval of the file from an S3 storage location. This connector allows JSON/XML/Text/Excel files to be read from the S3 storage. This connector will work with any S3 compliant storage providers.


1.      Enter the following information:




URL where the S3 bucket can be accessed. Default is


S3 bucket where the file resides.

Access Key

Access key to your S3 service account.

Secret Key

Secret key to your S3 service account.

To test the connection, click .

If displays, ensure the Bucket, Access Key, and Secret Key values are correct. You can also hover on this message to view the connection error.

File Path

Path of the on the S3 bucket.


2.      Select the Data Type.

3.      Click  to the fetch the schema based on the connection details. Consequently, the list of columns with the data type found from inspecting the first ‘n’ rows of the input data source is populated and the Save button is enabled.

4.      You can also opt to load or save a copy of the column definition.

5.      Click  to add columns to the S3 connection that represent sections of the message. Then enter or select:




The column name of the source schema.

JsonPath/Column Index/XPath

The JsonPath/Column Index/XPath of the source schema.


The data type of the column. Can be a Text, Numeric, or Time

Date Format

The format when the data type is Time.


Determines whether the message field should be processed.



To parse and format times with higher than millisecond precision, the format string needs to end with a period followed by sequence of upper case S. There can be no additional characters following them.

For example: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS


To delete a column, check its  or all the column entries, check the topmost , then click .