Altair® Panopticon


3D Surface Plot Settings

3D Surface Plots are a 3D perspective version of the 2D Surface Plot.

They provide a clearer understanding of the overall “shape” of the surface, but they also introduce occlusion problems; not all data points can be seen due to the display perspective.

The Surface Plot 3D is made up of a series of points where each point has:

q  X Position

q  Y Position

q  Z Position (encoded by color)

The Surface Plot 3D can support data sets where the X and Y positions can both be regular and irregular in their distribution.

The color scale can be continuous or stepped to show a surface gradient.

Grid lines, a ground plane, and markers for data points can be shown if required.

The 3D surface plot settings pane is displayed after clicking the Options  button.




Show Axes

Determines whether axes are displayed.

Show Axes Titles

Determines whether axes titles are displayed.

Show X Grid

Determines whether the X Grid lines are displayed and if checked the space in pixels between them.

Preferred X Grid Space

Specifies the X Grid lines spacing. Default is 100.

Show Y Grid

Determines whether the Y Grid lines are displayed and if checked the space in pixels between them.

Preferred Y Grid Space

Specifies the Y Grid lines spacing. Default is 100.

Show Points

Determines whether markers are drawn over surface data points.

Show Ground Plane

Determines whether a ground plane should be drawn below the 3D surface

Rectilinear Grid

Determines whether distinct X and Y values are changed into a rectilinear grid where missing values are filled in with a default of zero (or the ground level).