Relational Operators
Relational operators let you specify the relationship between an index field and an index value in your search criteria.
The relational operators are located in the Operator drop-down list, on the Search page.
Note: This list is not visible, until you select a document group and document type, and click the Add condition button under the Search Criteria heading.
The following relational operators are available:
Equal to (=)
Not equal to (<>)
Less than (<)
Greater than (>)
When using relational operators in conjunction with Boolean operators, make sure that your search criteria make sense. For example, if your search criterion is Employee Name = John Smith and you add the search phrase Employee Name = Jane Doe to it, you cannot link the two phrases with the AND operator, because none of the Employee Name index fields would contain both John Smith and Jane Doe index values. (The AND operator specifies that all search phrases linked by it must be true.) To use these two search phrases in your search criteria, you would have to link them with the OR operator.