Input Field Properties Window
Use this window to view or edit the properties of an input field (i.e. a non-calculated field that is extracted by a template). To access this window, select Input Fields from the Table Design ribbon.
To view or edit the properties of all fields, use the Field List window by selecting Field List from the Table Design ribbon.
General tab
Field |
Description |
Name |
Accepts a name for the field. If you have not named a field it is indicated by the prefix "eg_" and the sample data from the first record encountered. Field names may be up to 62 characters in length and may contain uppercase and lowercase characters, spaces and punctuation except for period (.), exclamation point (!), accent grave (`) and brackets ([ ]). Names may begin with any character, except for an underscore or space. If a name is entered with leading spaces, the name is accepted but the leading spaces are ignored. Note If you elect to enforce DBF field naming rules, field names must adhere to the dBASE III field naming convention:
Type |
Displays the field’s type. The drop-down list contains all available field types: character, date/time, numeric, and memo. Monarch Classic initially sets the field type according to the data it finds in the field. |
Decimals |
Accepts a value representing the number of decimal places of accuracy that will be calculated for a numeric field. (This value is grayed for character, date, and memo fields.) Note that the data length value must be large enough to accommodate both the integer portion and the decimal portion of the largest number that the calculated field expression is likely to produce. Monarch Classic rounds all values in the field to accommodate the specified number of decimal places. |
Format |
Displays the selected format for the field. The drop-down list contains all available formats for the field type. For character fields, the only format available is General. For numeric fields, the formats are:
For Date/Time fields, the formats are:
For memo fields, the only format available is General. For more information on field formats see Changing a field's type. |
Display Width |
The display width refers to the width of the field (or column) on screen in the Table window. If the display width of a numeric field is set to less than the width of the field values, the field values display as pound signs (####). For character fields and date fields, field values are truncated on screen. In all cases, the actual data in the field remains unaffected; the display width setting affects only the way that the data appears on screen. |
Alignment |
Displays the current alignment setting of each field. Text fields are by default left aligned, while numeric fields are right aligned. Alignment settings carry over to the summary. |
Hidden |
Select to hide the field from view. Note: Hidden fields are not available for export or copy operations. They can be restored (i.e., re-displayed) by un-selecting this box. |
Template tab
Field |
Description |
Template Width |
Displays a field’s template width (the number of characters extracted from a report). This value is blank for calculated fields and for fields imported from an external database. You can modify the template width by clicking on its cell and typing a new value. You should use caution, however, when changing this value, as it has implications for how data is extracted from a report. Typically, you would change this value to adjust the width of a field to match a change in the structure of a report. For example, when dealing with Y2K, an IT department might have modified the structure of a report to accommodate years expressed in four digit format. This change would cause date fields in a report to grow by two characters, so you might need to increase the template width to accommodate this change. |
Verify (non-calculated fields only) |
Displays, and allows the specifying of, the current field verification settings. The selected settings are used when verifying field boundaries.
Empty Cells |
Many reports are designed so that duplicate field values do not repeat down the page. When Monarch Classic extracts the data from the report and builds a database table, it does not automatically duplicate these values, leaving empty cells throughout the field. Copy value from previous record (non-calculated fields only): Select this option to copy the appropriate values into the empty cells. |
Redaction |
Select the redaction method to be used:
Refer to Redacting Field Values for examples and additional information.
Advanced tab
Use the Advanced tab to capture multiple line fields. A multiple line field may have a fixed number of lines or a variable number of lines. Select one of the Start Field On options to indicate the location of the first line of the field, then select one of the End Field On options to indicate the location of the last line of the field.
Field |
Description |
Start Field On options: |
Select one of the following options to indicate where the selected field begins:
End Field On options: |
Select one of the following options to indicate the height of the field:
Monarch Classic will also terminate a multiple line field after it extends two pages. The field will be terminated on the second page where the page break character (character code 12) is encountered. This prevents a field from continuing without end if the selected End Field On action is not appropriate to end the field. Note: The Any Template Hit behavior is always enforced by Monarch Classic, even when the Any Template Hit option is not selected. Select this option only when none of the other options would apply. Using a dummy template to terminate a multiple line field - If none of the other End Field On options can be used to terminate a multiple line field and you don't have an appropriate template already defined that can be used to terminate the field, consider creating a dummy template specifically for this purpose. By creating a template, you have available to you all of Monarch Classic's sophisticated trapping techniques. |