Server Status
The Server Status page displays information detailing the current status of Automator.
To view the Server Status page, click Automator and select Server Status.
The Server Status page includes the following information:
Refresh Status
Interval (in seconds): Specify the refresh status interval in seconds.
Refresh Now: Click the button to refresh status now.
Automatic: Select this check box to refresh status at the specified interval automatically.
Server Status
Standard Processes
Custodian Status: Shows whether the custodian schedule is running.
Jobs/Processes Currently Executing: Shows the number of jobs currently being executed.
Process Queue Entries: Shows the number of Standard Processes in the queue that have not been picked up by the dispatcher. Click the Delete button
to clear the current queue of Standard Processes.
Active Jobs/Processes: Shows the number of active jobs.
Process Count: Shows the total number of processes in the system.
Jobs/Logs Count: Shows the total number of jobs in the system.
Visual Processes
Jobs/Processes Currently Executing: Shows the number of Visual Processes currently being executed.
Process Queue Entries: Shows the number of Visual Processes in the queue that have not been picked up by the dispatcher. Click the Delete button
to clear the current queue of Visual Processes.
Active Jobs/Processes: Shows the number of active Visual Processes.
Process Count: Shows the total number of processes in the system.
Jobs/Logs Count: Shows the total number of logs in the system.
The number of processes in the system: Shows the number of processes that have been reached but have NOT exceeded the number allowed by the license.
NOTE: If the number of processes in the system exceeds the number allowed by your license, the following message appears instead:
“The maximum number of allowed processes per your license (XX) is exceeded.” The number of processes is the total count of Visual and Standard Processes.
CPU Cores Usage: Shows the number of CPU cores available for the system.
NOTE: When the number of CPU cores allowed by your license is exceeded, the following message appears:
“The maximum number of allowed CPU cores per your license (XX) is exceeded.” Here, “XX” is the number of CPU cores allowed by your license.
Dispatcher Status: Displays a summary of the server status, including the server name, number of running jobs/Visual Processes, and number of jobs/Visual Processes in queue.
Job Processing Status: Shows the current job processing status.
Start: Click the button to start the Automator Dispatcher Service Host. Starting dispatcher enables running of new jobs.
Stop: Click the button to stop the Automator Dispatcher Service Host. Stopping dispatcher disables running of new jobs.
NOTE: When the Job Processing Status is disabled, a notification in the Admin interface and the logs would indicate the disabled status of the Automator Dispatcher Service Host.