Altair® Monarch® Server


Maintenance Tasks

A maintenance task is the operation of copying, moving, and deleting files to maintain document storage. You need to assign maintenance tasks to a maintenance process in order to execute them.

A maintenance task operates on the document files basis (not document object basis). 

All maintenance tasks used in the system are listed on the Maintenance Tasks page. To display this page, click Content System on the Navigation Tree, then click Maintenance and select Maintenance Tasks.

Use this page to add, edit, or remove a maintenance task from the list.

The following types of maintenance tasks are available on the Maintenance Task page:

  • Block: Blocks certain reports to deny user access. You can also block reports of a document type by clicking on the Report Instances tab.

  • Change DTA_indices: Changes indexes for pre-mining models.

  • Copy 1 to 2: Copies data from First Copy volumes to Second Copy volumes.

  • Copy 2 to 1: Copies data from Second Copy volumes to First Copy volumes.

  • Delete: Deletes files from the database and from First Copy volumes. However, the files remain on a Second Copy volume, if any.

  • Drop DTA table(s): Removes pre-mined data from the MS database including tables for the reports matching the task criteria.

  • Drop Empty Index Values Tables: Removes tables with empty index values, to speed up the partition creation. This task is recommended if you update a database created in the previous version of the application.

  • Drop Pre-Mined Data: Removes pre-mined data from the DTA tables in the MS database for the reports matching the task criteria.

  • Full Text Search: Searches for reports containing the specified text.

  • Move: Moves data form First Copy volumes to Second Copy volumes. The reverse moving task (from Second Copy to First Copy) is not supported.

  • Pre-Mined Data: Pre-extracts table data from reports during a filing process (as part of archiving report data), and puts it into the MS database.

  • Purge: Files are removed from First Copy volumes only if they exist on Second Copy volumes. The system does not remove files from the database and they are available for viewing and searching as usual.

  • Re-index: Recreates indexes for documents and is used when one of the Monarch models is changed.

  • Rename: Renames reports and documents. The name model is set in the Auto-Name and Report Name options of the appropriate Document Type.

  • Restore from Archive: Restores archived-only reports back into working storage where users can view and mine them.

After configuring a maintenance task, in order to run it, you need to configure a maintenance process and assign the task to it. Then you may either specify the execution frequency for the maintenance process, or execute it manually. When the maintenance process runs, the assigned maintenance task is executed.