Importing an Index Field
To import an index field
On the Navigation Tree, click Content System, then click Document Management and select Index Fields.
Click the Import Fields button on the Index Fields page. The Select Model box appears.
Select a model you want to use for importing, by clicking its name.
The Import From Model dialog box appears, displaying the following items:
Import: Select an index, if you want to add it to the index fields.
Name: Names of index fields from the selected model.
Type: The type of each index field (for example, string, date or number).
Size: The length of each string and number index field.
Encipher: This option allows to keep index values in encrypted format and hide field values in Select Index Value dialog boxes.
Enable index selection: The option enables selection of index values in Select Index Value dialog boxes.
Save: Imports and saves indexes to database.
Cancel: Closes the window.
Select All: Selects all indexes.
Select None: Clears all indexes.
Select model fields to import as index fields and click Save. If an index field name already exists in the database, the row will appear shaded. The system imports and saves indexes in the database and displays the updated Index Fields page with them, if the operation is completed successfully.