Altair® Monarch® Server


Column Info Screen

The Column Info screen displays when you click the Next button on the Export Wizard's Table Info screen.

Note: If you are updating existing rows in a table, you must map at least one key field and one data field. To designate a key field, right-click on a mapping and select Enable as key field. A key icon will appear to the left of the field name.

The Column Info screen includes the following settings:

  • Export all: Exports all the columns in the export table.

Note: When appending data to an existing table, appends will only occur for columns that exist in both the export table and the destination table.

  • Allow unrestricted mapping so that any Export column may be mapped to any Destination column: Relaxes Automator's type checking and relies on the OLE DB Provider to perform type conversions. For example, if you need to export a numeric value that is so large that it cannot be stored in Monarch as a number, you can export it as a character field. The character field can then be mapped to a numeric field in DB2, for example, and the OLE DB provider will perform the type conversion, if that functionality is available.

  • Export Column: Lists the columns in the export table that have been mapped to columns in the destination table.

  • Destination Column: Lists the columns in the destination table that have been mapped to columns in the export table.

  • Auto Map: Instructs Automator to automatically map columns in the export table to columns in the destination table that have the same names. Note: Columns that don't occur in both tables will not be mapped.

  • Add: Displays the Select Columns to Map dialog, with which you can map an export column to a destination column.

  • Edit: Edits the selected mapping via the Select Columns to Map dialog.

  • Remove: Removes the selected mapping from the list.

  • Remove All: Clears all mappings from the list.

  • Cancel: Cancels any changes you have made and closes the Export wizard.

  • Back: Displays the Table Info screen of the Export Wizard.

  • Next: Displays the Excel Advanced Features screen when exporting to Microsoft Excel.

  • Finish: Saves the current export settings and closes the Export Wizard.