Bulk Schedules Edits
The Bulk Schedules Edits feature allows you to apply bulk editing of schedules to Automator Standard Processes, Visual Processes, Pump Custodian Processes .
To use bulk schedule editing
On the Navigation Tree, click System Settings, and then select Bulk Schedules Edits.
On the displayed page, select the Find a Schedule tab.
In the Select Process Type field, select the process you want to edit from the drop-down list. The available options are:
Automator Standard Processes
Visual Processes
Pump Custodian Processes
Select the Include Suspended check box, if you need the suspended schedules to be displayed.
In the Search Criteria section, specify the time parameters of the schedule you want to change.
You can get onscreen all schedules of the selected type by clicking the All button. You can also get onscreen the schedules with a certain value by selecting Schedule or Next Execution Time.
Note: In the Search and Next Execution Time criteria, you can leave the fields empty to display all corresponding schedules.
Click Find.
The list of corresponding processes is displayed.
Select the Replace a Schedule tab.
In the Execution Frequency section, specify the time parameters of the schedule you want to change.
Specify the processes you want to re-schedule by enabling corresponding check boxes.
Click Replace to apply your changes.
If you need to suspend or resume any schedule, you can select it in the list and click the Suspend/Resume selected Schedules icon.
You can also create a new schedule for Automator Standard Process and Visual Process.
To create a new schedule
Select the Create a Schedule tab.
In the Select Process Type field, from the drop-down list select the process type for which you want to create a schedule.
Select the Suspended check box, if a new schedule must be suspended.
In the Execution Frequency section, specify the time parameters of the schedule you want to create.
Select the necessary schedules in the list, and the click the Save button to create a new schedule.