Bulk Edits
The Bulk Edits feature of the Monarch Server administrator allows you to apply text content bulk editing to models, alerts, distributions, and project objects. Input and manifest files within monitored Standard and Visual Processes can also be bulk edited.
To use bulk editing
On the Navigation Tree, click Server Library, and select Bulk Edits.
On the displayed page, enter the text fragment you want to edit in the Find text box. You can combine your text fragments with "*" and "?" wildcards in the Find text box to leverage your search query. If you select the Ignore Wildcards check box, the wildcards will not be applied during the search.
Enter the text fragment with which you want to replace the original fragment in the Replace text box.
Define the appropriate Server Library (Alerts [global alerts for standard processes], Distributions [global distributions for standard processes], Models, Projects, , Workspaces, Change lists, Visual Processes, and Standard Processes) where you want to perform bulk editing by selecting the corresponding check boxes in the Find in line. You can assign bulk editing to the whole definition object or to its particular settings, for example, to channel links and titles of the alerts log only. Consider the following options:
In the Find in line, select the check boxes corresponding to the objects to which bulk editing will be applied.
If you want to apply bulk editing to all models, for example, select the Models checkbox.
If you want to apply bulk editing to the descriptions of models only, click Models to display the context menu. From the menu that displays, select the Description check box.
NOTE: You can also apply bulk editing to the entire Server Library by selecting all check boxes.
NOTE: Scripts for Standard and Visual Processes can be edited via Bulk Edits. The following options are available:
For Standard Processes |
For Visual Processes |
Click Find if you want just view the results of your search query. The results are displayed in the Search Results table that contains the detailed definition object information, namely, the object name, its settings and values. In the table, you can mark out all or some required object items for further replacement.
Click Replace if you want to apply the assigned bulk editing for the specified Server Library. Executed changes are irreversible.