To set up the DCO and external clocks, click on the Setup DCO and XT Clocks button in the MSP430 Config dialog box.
MSP430 1xx, 2xx, and 20xx subtypes
BCSCTL1.RSELx: Defines a nominal frequency in conjunction with the DCOCTL.DCOx and DCOCTL.MODx. See also Texas Instruments MSP430X1 User Guide.
DCOCTL.DCOx: Defines a nominal frequency in conjunction with the BCSCTL1.RSELx and DCOCTL.MODx. See also Texas Instruments MSP430X1 User Guide.
DCOCTL.MODx: Defines a nominal frequency in conjunction with the DCOCTL.DCOx and BCSCTL1.RSELx. See also Texas Instruments MSP430X1 User Guide.
DCO Speed: This is a read-only setting. It calculates the DCO speed based on either the factory calibrated setting or the user-specified calibrated setting, determined by the RSELx, DCOx, and MODx settings.
Use Calibrated Setting: Only for 2xx. Uses factory calibrated setting for the DCO.
Capacitance: Specifies the value of desired on-chip capacitance.
Crystal Resonator ranges: Higher frequency ranges supported by the 2xx, external.
Crystal Speed: Specifies the speed of external crystal one.
High Frequency Mode: Sets to true if LFXT1 is greater than or equal to 400kHz.
Source: For 2xx subtypes, you can specify the source of the XT1 clock. The XTI clock source can be external or internal. Your choices are:
32768 Hz crystal:
Standard low frequency, external
VLOCLK: Very low frequency,
Reserved: Do not use
Digital clock:
Digital oscillator (not crystal), external
Digital 0.4: Digital
oscillator (not crystal), external
Crystal Speed: Specifies the speed of the second external crystal. If this value is 0, Embed assumes there is not a second external oscillator.
Range: Specifies the frequency range for the second external crystal.
The MSP430 FLL+ Config dialog box
This dialog box lets you configure settings for the MSP430 3xx and 4xx subtypes.
Additional Multiplier: Specifies an additional multiplier for calculating the DCO speed.
DCO Speed: Indicates the DCO speed, which is based on the Multiple of Crystal Freq and Additional Multiplier values.
Multiple of Crystal Freq: Indicates the multiple of crystal frequency. It defines the DCO speed by multiplying this value by the crystal speed.
Capacitance: Specifies the value of desired on-chip capacitance.
Crystal Speed: Specifies the speed of external crystal one.
High Frequency Mode: Sets to true if LFXT1 is greater than or equal to 400kHz.
Crystal Speed: Specifies the speed of the second external crystal. If this value is 0, Embed assumes there is not a second external oscillator.
The MSP430 Unified Clock System (UCS) dialog box
This dialog box lets you configure settings for the MSP430 5xx subtypes.
DCOCLK: Scaled version of DCOCLKDIV.
DCOCLKDIV: Read-only value, based on the FLL Reference Clk Src, FLL Reference Clk Div, and Multiple of Crystal Freq values.
FLLD Prescaler: Applies a scale factor to the DCOCLK.
FLL Reference Clk Src: Selects the clock source for the frequency lock loop to calculate the value of DCOCLKDIV.
FLL Reference Clock Div: Divides the clock source to calculate the value of DCOCLKDIV.
Multiple of Crystal Freq: Multiples the clock source to calculate the value of DCOCLKDIV.
Crystal Speed: Specifies the speed of external crystal one.
Use External Clock: Specifies an external clock.
Turn Off in LPM4: Turns off crystal one in low-power mode four.
Use On-Chip Capacitance: Makes on-chip capacitance externally available. Select the capacitance from the drop-down box.
Crystal Speed: Specifies the speed of the second external crystal. If this value is zero, Embed assumes there is not a second external oscillator.
Turn Off in LPM4: Turns off crystal two in low power mode four.