The following C file shows the interface to Embed simulation object code generation. This is a generic wrapper for a single instantiation of a simulation object. You will replace this file with your own user interface that can instantiate any number of simulation objects.
#include <math.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "vsuser.h"
#include "cgen.h"
// Sample file to show how to create and interface to a simulation object
#include "vsmApp.h" // This file contains the vsmCgRuntimeEvent() commands
#include "cmdApi.h"
#define MAX_VSM_ARG 64
#define TIME_END 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
SIM_STATE *hSim; // Declare a handle to the sim
double inSig[MAX_VSM_ARG], outSig[MAX_VSM_ARG], simTime,T, timeStep=.05;
int a, retVal;
double endTime=TIME_END*1.000000001;
hSim = cgMainCreateSim(); // Create sim, return handle (Instantiate a simObject)
vsmCgRuntimeCommand(hSim,RTE_GET_TIME_STEP,&timeStep,0,0); // Get sim timestep (optional)
vsmCgRuntimeCommand(hSim,RTE_RESET,0,0,0); // Reset the sim (required before each run)
for (T=0; T <= endTime; T+=timeStep)
inSig[0] = 5; // To do: supply your arguments here
inSig[1] = 5; // We supply some arg values here
inSig[2] = 0;
retVal = vsmCgRuntimeCommand(hSim,RTE_RUN_TO_TIME,inSig,outSig,&T);
if (retVal != VSM_SUCCESSFUL)
printf("vsmCgRuntimeCommand() returns '%s': ", vsmCgGetLastErrorString(hSim));
break; // Problem in sim, stop simulating
printf("T=%g:ST=%g: %g,%g\n",T,simTime, outSig[0],outSig[1]); // To do: make use of Embed results
return 0;