Target Category: C2407, Delfino, F280x, F281X, Generic MCU, Linux Raspberry Pi, Piccolo
Target Sub-Category: GPIO
Description: The GPIO Input block reads digital data into the diagram. Use GPIO Config to set up qualification time intervals for GPIO pins.
Bit Width: Specifies the number of contiguous bits to read in.
Channel: Indicates the channel number. Click here for Raspberry Pi pin mapping.
Enable pull-up resistor: Enables the pull-up resistor on the input pin to 3.3V. This parameter is not available for Linux Raspberry Pi, C2407, F281X, or Generic MCU targets.
Invert Input: Inverts the input. If the input is 3.3V, it is inverted to zero; if the input is zero, it is inverted to one. This parameter is available only for F280049.
Offset: Specifies the offset into the digital port register.
Port: Specifies the digital register. For Linux Raspberry Pi, two ports are available for Raspberry Pi 1A+ and 1B+. For all other Raspberry Pi devices, only one port is available. Click here for Raspberry Pi pin mapping.
Title: Indicates the channel title.