Each ADC unit on the STM32 supports two independent sequencers that select input channels to be sent to the single AtoD converter for conversion. The Regular Sequencer supports up to 16 ordered elements in the sequence queue. Each sequence element can take its input from any of the 18 possible input channels available to the chip. After conversion, the results are sent to a single data register. To avoid overriding this register, DMA is used to automatically send the register to a memory vector called _Adc<unit-number>Result[n]. The memory location is displayed in the dialog box under Regular Sequencer Result.
The Injected Sequencer is similar to the Regular Sequencer, but it has only four ordered places in its sequence queue; however, it has four dedicated registers: one for each of the four input channels after they have been converted (JDRn).
The Injected Sequencer has higher priority over the Regular Sequencer and can “inject” its sequencer requests into an ongoing Regular Sequence if need be.
ADCCLK= : Selects the source clock and the divider.
ADC Unit: Specifies the ADC unit to be configured.
Alignment: Aligns least significant digit (Right) or most significant digit (Left).
Input Source: Selects the input channel for a given sequencer queue element.
On: Selects the trigger edge event that causes the sequencer to begin converting.
Trigger: Selects the trigger source.
Sample Time: Indicates the sampling time for each input channel. Longer sampling times generally provide more accurate results but take longer to complete.
SE/Differential: Selects if the given channel is single-ended or a differential pair. When you select Differential, the first input is positive and the second input is negative.
Input Source: Selects the input channel for a given sequencer queue element.
On: Selects the trigger edge event that causes the sequencer to begin converting.
Trigger: Selects the trigger source.
Resolution: Specifies 6-, 8-, 10-, or 12-bits of the result data.
Sequencing: Indicates triggered conversions of a single sequence of channels. This is a read-only parameter.
SYSCLK: Indicates the speed of the CPU clock.