Creating a New Export
You can easily create and run exports from within Export View or Export Design.
Creating an export from Export View
Select Create Export on the Export View ribbon. The Create Export dialog displays.
Enter a name for the export.
Select a source using the Source View selector.
Specify the Export File Type on the Export File Type panel. Note that the export file type you can select depends on the Source View you have selected.
Under Export Options, specify how the export should behave when an output file exists.
Do one of the following by selecting the appropriate icons at the top of the dialog box:
Select Run Export to run the export immediately.
Select Add to Project to add this export to the project definition. This means you can edit and/or run the export again each time you open the project.
Select Edit Advanced Options to display the Advanced Options dialog. Different advanced options are available for different export file types. For instance, if your export file type is XSLX, you can export to a pivot table.
If you choose to Run Export or Add to Project, the Create Export dialog closes and you are returned to Export view. If you choose Edit Advanced Options, the Export Design view launches. Apply other export conditions (e.g., filters, sorts, export behavior when output file exists) as necessary and then select Accept to close Export Design view and add your newly defined export to the Export selector.
Creating an export from Export Design
Select Export Design from the Export view ribbon and, in the view that displays, select Add Export.
In the Add Export dialog that displays, select the Source View to export and an export file type. Click Add when you are finished.
In the Export Design view that displays, apply other export conditions (e.g., filters, sorts, export behavior when output file exists) as necessary.
Select Accept to close Export Design view and add your newly defined export to the Export selector.