Altair® Monarch® Server


About Monarch Server (MS)

Monarch is a data access tool that lets you view, print, extract and analyze data from existing computer reports. Any report used in your organization can be accessed via Monarch. Whenever a computer produces a report, it creates a report file that contains all the characters and control codes that are sent to the printer to produce the actual printout.

Monarch reads these report files, but instead of producing a hardcopy printout with words and numbers frozen on the page, Monarch creates a softcopy of the report on screen, with live data you can work with.

In most organizations, Monarch Server users access report files across a network or via terminal emulation software. Companies already collect, process, and interpret large amounts of data as a matter of course, which is generated in standard business reports. A hidden treasure-trove of analytical information exists in the various reports that are generated every day, week, month, and year. Managers can use these reports (without fear of altering the actual corporate data) as a starting point for the next level of analysis to help them evaluate and respond to business situations.

Analyzing data buried in reports is called report mining. Monarch Server uses Monarch's powerful report-mining technology to unlock the data buried in report files. Mining provides executive- and mid-level managers with the information and tools to support the decision-making process. In addition, report data can be exported to other software programs, such as spreadsheets and forecasting software, for further analysis.

At the heart of Monarch Server is a report warehouse subsystem for efficient storing and managing large volumes of corporate reports. Reports produced in any host environment can be brought into Monarch Server. These reports are automatically identified, indexed, compressed, and stored in the warehouse system. Monarch Server uses an industry-standard SQL database to manage storage and provide fast, efficient access to report data.

Monarch Server allows end users to retrieve information from reports, search for data in several reports simultaneously, and manipulate data for further analysis. This online system makes report data available more quickly, economically, and effectively than is possible with traditional hardcopy reports.