Into Parts from Right...
Starts from the right and splits a column into two more columns, depending on a separator (split delimiter) you define. The separator may be a single character or a substring.
When you apply this operation, you are asked to define the separator, a number of resulting columns to show, and a split limit, which describes how many occurrences of the split delimiter to consider when performing the split operation.
Input |
Output |
text |
text |
In this example, Customer is the original column. We split the column into 2 columns (i.e., Customer1 and Customer2) from the left using a space as the separator and a split limit of 1 (i.e., split the value at the first occurrence of the delimiter).
In this example, Customer is the original column. We split the column into 2 columns (i.e., Customer1 and Customer2) from the right using a space as the separator and a split limit of 2 (i.e., split the value at the first two occurrences of the delimiter). Note how, compared with the example above, the values in Customer 1 appear "truncated." If we had specified a column count of 3, the complete value of the Customer column would display over three columns. In this case, rows corresponding to Bluegrass Records will be empty in the first column (Customer 1).