Altair® Monarch®


Connector Dialog for Salesforce

Enter values into the dialog box to connect and fetch data from your Salesforce source.




Login Server

The name of the server or domain containing Salesforce.

By default this is:


A valid Username for the Salesforce account.

Note: Ensure that the user has API access to the Salesforce organization to which it is associated.


Enter the password for the Salesforce account with your Salesforce Security Token appended right after it.

For example: if your password is mysecretpassw@rd and your security token is 11111111111111111, you would enter mysecretpassw@rd11111111111111111 into this box.

Note: You can reset your security token from the Salesforce settings and have it sent to you via e-mail.

Security Token

Enter the case-sensitive alphanumeric key that is used in combination with your password to access Salesforce.


Click this button after you have specified the Server, Username, and Password. You can select a Source Type after you have successfully logged-on.


Select a source type for the data retrieval:

  • Salesforce Objects Table: these are the various Salesforce objects in your organization.

  • Report: list of reports that the user has access to.

Note that Salesforce limits the acquisition of reports to 2000 detail records.

After you select a Source Type, select the data:

  • For Salesforce Objects Table, select the table to which you want to connect.

  • For Report, you can select the report folder in the left pane which contains the report, or the desired report in the right pane.

Preview Data

Click to fetch data using the credentials and criteria you have specified. 10 records are displayed to allow you to verify that you are selecting the correct data.